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Charming Lady Hard to Chase After Being Dumped novel Chapter 851

The timing when they came for lunch happened to coincide with Epson.

The students were busy with the experiments but Epson didn't need to do much, so he was free to go out for lunch.

As soon as he entered, he saw the students around him all looking in one direction. He followed everyone's gaze and looked over to see the pair who stood out in the crowd in their uniforms.

Epson curled his lips at once. He sneered and then walked over. "What a coincidence, Captain Brenda, I didn't expect you guys to also come here for lunch. Why do you guys still have the time to eat, though? Didn't you say that the serial killer is in the school? Everyone has stopped their experiments to cooperate with the police, so shouldn't you guys be so busy catching the bad guys that you don't even have time to eat? ..."

Epson spoke sarcastically.

Just as he was speaking, Brenda and Aaron pretty much only thought for two seconds before they jumped onto their feet. They moved so quickly that Epson got a shock.

In particular, Brenda and Aaron had a fierce and savage look in their eyes at the moment, which scared Epson so badly that he took a step back and waved his arms in front of him.

"What are you doing? Captain Brenda, we're on campus now. I won't hold it against you for beating me up the last time, but there are so many students watching us

now. If you dare..."

Before he could even finish, Brenda and Aaron sprinted out of the cafeteria at lightning speed.



He stood where he was in confusion, puzzled about what the pair did just now.

He frowned. At this moment, a student nearby came over and asked, "Professor Epson, what just happened? What's up with those two?"

Epson thought for a moment and replied, "1 reprimanded them just now, so they must have suddenly woken up and come to their senses, I suppose? So they've gone to patrol and track down the murderer! I should think that the lockdown will be lifted soon! Besides, I reckon they must have also realized that it was not a serial killer who killed Professor Mayer, so they are too embarrassed to face us!"

Epson convinced even himself with his words.

The students nearby all gave Epson a thumbs up. They said, "Professor, you're really an educator in both morals and science. Not only do you impart us knowledge but you even taught those two some principles of life."

"Professor, your project will definitely succeed! You will definitely complete it faster than Anti!"

After being flattered by the students a little, Epson got ahead of himself and said, "Yeah, I think so too. Uh-huh, you guys don't have to look at me like that, I just did what I should have..."

Elsewhere, after Brenda and Aaron sprinted out of the cafeteria, they went straight to the staff dormitories where the professors lived.

The professors hadn't been allowed to go home, so Peter was also living there. While they were running, Brenda asked, "When was the last time you saw Peter?"

Aaron replied, "At nine o'clock last night. We separated after we verified together that all the professors, except for Epson, had gone to the staff dormitory."

Brenda broke into a frown. She took a deep breath and slowly said, "Barbarian has a habit of killing between 11 pm and 4 am."

Therefore, it was possible that Peter had really been murdered!

Aaron also became nervous. He picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke into it. He asked, "Jabil, have you seen Professor Peter today?"

"I exchanged a few text messages with him. Just half an hour ago, he was telling me that I can go to the cafeteria to eat."

Aaron interrupted him. "What I'm asking is have you seen him in person?"

The other party paused and then answered, "No."

Aaron took a deep breath and said, "Head to Professor Peter's room in the staff dormitory immediately!"


After hanging up, Brenda and Aaron sped up even more.

The two were anxious to solve the case but even more eager to save Peter. While running, they didn't notice Solo and Nora coming out of the corner.

At the sight of them, Solo immediately went after them.

Nora also followed closely behind them.

Solo said, "Judging from how they look, they have probably found something related to the suspect. Let's follow them and have a look. If we can help, then let's do so. Serial killers are too dangerous!"

Nora nodded. "Yeah."

Brenda resented Barbarian.


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