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Charming Lady Hard to Chase After Being Dumped novel Chapter 855

He looked at Solo savagely. "What you've done wrong? You owe us a life!"

Solo was stunned but he quickly came back to his senses. "I... I didn't. I've never killed anyone, I've never taken such commissions! I..."

Before he could finish, Aaron asked, "Do you remember someone named Marcus?"

Solo paused for a while before he suddenly realized who he was talking about. "Yeah, I remember him. Isn't he a hacker? He even provoked me and said that he was a better hacker than me..."

After saying that, Solo asked, "But what does it have to do with him?"

Aaron lowered his eyes. "He was my and Captain Brenda's partner!"

Solo was taken aback.

Aaron continued to speak.

"Marcus, Captain Brenda, and I—the three of us were close friends and we always worked together whenever we handled cases. Marcus was in love with Captain Brenda, so he always worked hard to coordinate with her during operations. Marcus was very capable. The higher-ups once talked to him about having him lead a team but Marcus never agreed. Instead, he willingly worked under Captain Brenda—not because he admired her abilities, but because he wanted to protect her!"

Aaron clenched his fists, his whole body shaking. There was hatred and resentment in his eyes as he stared at Solo.

His appearance caused a foreboding feeling to suddenly arise in Solo. "W-where is he?"

Aaron lowered his eyes. "He's dead!"

Solo's heart sank. "B-but I wasn't the one who caused his death. What does it have to do with me? I—"

Before he could finish, Aaron suddenly looked at him. "He was not convinced of your hacking skills, so he once publicly clamored that he wanted to pit his skills against yours, right?"

Solo nodded. "Yes, but I ignored him."

Aaron sneered and lowered his head.

He suddenly asked, "Three months ago, did you take a commission to hack into someone's cell phone?"

Solo nodded. "Yeah, how did you know?"

Solo had always been taking private commissions from others but he had never done anything terrible like murder. Additionally, the people commissioning him were required to inform him of what they intended to do post-commission.

He didn't allow them to make use of him to do bad things.

When he thought of that, he suddenly looked at Aaron. "That phone... was Marcus'?"

Aaron lowered his eyes. "No, it was Captain Brenda's."

His reply made Solo's eyes widen abruptly. He suddenly thought back to three months ago when someone had sent him an email, saying that his girlfriend had betrayed him. She had cheated on him with many people at the same time and was a scumbag. Therefore, he'd offered Solo $3,000 to pinpoint the girl's GPS location.

$3,000 was just peanuts to him, but he hated such women the most, so he'd accepted the simple commission.

He checked the cell phone number given by the other party, whereupon he found that the girl was indeed an unfaithful woman and a player—because the cell phone's GPS location was often in places like nightclubs.

After Solo sent the GPS coordinates to his client, his client had replied, "She's too much! How dare she be a town bike! She cuckolded me for so many years but I didn't even realize! Man, I'm pissed!"

With the mentality of someone watching a show, Solo had replied, "Just break up. She's not worth it."

But his client then sent a message begging him for help. "Can you help me hack into my girlfriend's cell phone for ten minutes? I want to lock her in the toilet and scare her a little as punishment."

For Solo, a small request like that was not even worth mentioning.


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