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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 75

Silas POV

After we finished breakfast, Elora went to have a shower while we cleaned up quickly. Matitus and Dragus watching me yet, they were pretending not to which after about an hour of them following me around like lost puppies, I became annoyed.

“What? What are you following me around for, don’t you have things to do?” I ask as they follow me into the library.

“Can’t think of anything, can you Dragus?” Matitus says, a smile from ear to ear. They were definitely up to something or about to be anyway.

“Nope can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be” Dragus says, and I roll my eyes at their childish behaviour. Sitting at my desk I pull some old scrolls out the draw, Matitus and Dragus both step closer peering over my shoulder. I let out a breath, they were really getting on my last damn nerve.

“Personal space” I mutter opening the first one.

“Since when do you have a problem getting in others personal space, you were all up in Elora’s last night, oh and Mine” Matitus retorts making me elbow him.

“Because I know you’re up to something or know something” I spit at them dropping a paperweight on the end of the scroll while holding the other end.

“Why are you looking at the old Fae ruins?” Dragus asks curiously as he leans over my shoulder.

“Because I want to do something with it” I tell them, I was just unsure what it is, I wanted to do exactly.

“You want to rebuild it?” Matitus asks. I say nothing I knew that would be impossible. It would be impossible to rebuild a 500-year-old castle to the way it were.

“Then tell us what you are thinking, and we may be able to help” Dragus says grabbing a seat a dragging it over.

“Since when do you want to help voluntarily?” I ask him.

“Well first I know what ever your wanting to do has something to do with our little Fae mate, and because I actually like helping and you hardly let us get involved well until Elora came into the picture” I nod yet had no idea where to start.

“So, are you going to tell us or do you want us to guess?” Matitus asks perching himself on the end of the desk.

“Rewrite the past” I tell them.

“Pretty sure we did that when you broke curse” Matitus says. I shake my head and Dragus leans back looking at me in that way does when he figures something out.

“He wants to do something in their memory, right?” I nod, I spent so much time hating Fae that I forgot what a big part of our history they were. For centuries, all supernatural creature stood as one, those that were spread through the four kingdoms in our area would come together, have each other’s backs, we were united. I want to bring that back for her, for our children a piece of their past they could be proud of and not just their dragon side.

“Why not just ask Elora, what she wants” Matitus asks.

“Well, it wouldn’t be a surprise if I ask her now would it” I tell him. He scratches his head he really wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes.

“Does it have to be where the castle was? Why not just use the ruins, bring them here and make something out them, most of the rock over there is sandstone” Dragus says.

“You want to haul what’s left of that castle over here?” Matitus says shaking his head.

“Why? Not up for the challenge, afraid your little wings won’t be able to take the weight” I taunt him, he huffs loudly. He was strongest out the two of us not that I would tell him that, got to keep up appearances but I also knew he wouldn’t back down that he would go out of his way to prove a point.


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