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Come back, My Ex-Wife novel Chapter 10

Normally, Jacob would just ignore strangers. His short reply was the most he could make for Sherry's words.

Then, he turned and took a look at Sara's bowl before letting out a mocking laugh. "Who'll want to eat that food?"

Sara took a look at her bowl, which was piled up high with the dishes that Thompson had kept for her, and knew that Jacob was ridiculing her.

Thompson smiled, taking Jacob's words in stride. "I noticed that Sara has lost some weight recently, so I wanted to help her get her strength back. With all the work she's been doing, she must have forgotten to eat on time."

He then looked at Sara affectionately.

Jacob narrowed his eyes at him and retorted, "Giving her food isn't going to help. Whether she puts on weight or not, she'll still be ugly."

The coldness of his voice and his cutting words naturally provoked Sara, who gritted her teeth and muttered, "Mr. Jacob, I have to speak up for myself here. I may have lost some weight, yes, but I am not unattractive! Of course, unless your standards for beauty have somehow changed recently?"

When Sherry saw all the commotion, she couldn't help but tug at Sara's sleeve and ask, "Hey, what's happening here?" "Nothing. It's just that some people here will stop at nothing to ruin my day," Sara said grimly.

Her voice was neither too loud nor too low. Everyone at the table had heard her just fine.

Sherry turned her gaze to Jacob and saw him giving Sara an icy stare.

Alice also took a look at the food on the table in front of her and exclaimed in disgust, "I don't like the food here. It looks cheap and unappetizing."

Although she said those words in a very low voice, Thompson heard her clearly. He narrowed his eyes at her and thought, 'Cheap?

The food at this restaurant might be ordinary, but the chefs are greatly skilled. Every single meal they prepare is delicious, making people drool for a bite. How could she call it cheap judging by its ingredients? She hadn't even tasted it yet. Such a judgmental woman!'

Thompson was puzzled. He had always admired Jacob for being a refined and decisive man. But how could someone like Jacob possibly fall in love with a woman like Alice?

Jacob stroked Alice's hair dotingly and smiled. "This food is not fit for you to consume. Why don't you drink some water? I'll take you to a nice restaurant for some good food later, okay?"

Then, he turned and cast a cold glance at Sara.

Since Jacob had spoken in her favor, Alice was happy. She drank the water and said to Sara smugly, "Sara, do you usually eat this kind of food?"

As she glanced at the green beans in Sara's bowl, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes.

Sara raised her eyebrows and replied, "Yeah, in fact, I grew up eating this kind of food. Thanks to that, I didn't get spoiled and pampered like someone."

Then, she gave Alice a strange look, as if she was that "someone" in her words.

The truth was, she was too tired to deal with this drama. Alice's hypocrisy and cocky attitude was the last thing she wanted to handle at that moment.

As Alice clutched Jacob's arm, Sherry stared at her and commented, "This food is delicious. Who wouldn't want to eat it? Don't you eat what humans eat, Alice? Tell us, we're curious to know... what do you usually eat?"

Sherry had always been a good person. She wasn't the type to offend someone on purpose. However, she had noticed that ever since Alice stepped into the restaurant, all she had done was look down on the food, the people, and the decor. It bothered Sherry so much that she couldn't help but speak up.

Tears sprang to Alice's eyes, and she was too furious to even reply.

As Sara looked at Alice, she felt like she despised her now more than ever. How could Jacob settle for a woman like her?

Although Sherry had insulted Alice, Jacob didn't say anything to her. Instead, he turned to Sara and said with a disgusted look, "If you have a problem, bring it up to me. Don't humiliate Alice."

Sara tightened her grip around the wine glass. Her fingertips turned pale and her lower lip trembled. She had been his wife for four years! She hadn't expected him to walk over her like she was dirt.

"The same goes for you," she retorted with a snort.

Chapter 10 Couldn't Hold Back Tears 1

Chapter 10 Couldn't Hold Back Tears 2


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