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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 100

In Chapter 100 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 100 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 100 

After Anya left his office, Evan took out a cigar from his drawer and lit it. Smoke began to rise from the cigar

Mr. Cornwall exclaimed, I’ll draft the parental rights agreement now, Mr. Welton.” 

Evan replied while he gently tapped the tip of the cigar, We’ll decide after the paternity report is out.” 

Mr. Cornwall understood what he meant and cautiously said, If there’s nothing else, Mr. Welton, I’ll head out now.” 

Evan gave a brief reply before Mr. Cornwall exited his office

Evan immediately sank into his leather chair after Mr. Cornwall left as he raised his hand, took a puff from his cigar while his gaze deepened and thought about if the paternity report showed that the child was actually his

He would never let go of the woman

How dare she gave birth to his children behind his back

No woman in the entire city was as bold as her

In JK Groups office, Anya returned from Evan’s office. She was still pretty shaken about the meeting. It seemed that as long as she did not take care of this problem, it would trouble her forever. She would also be unable to focus on her job well

However, if nothing happened during tomorrow’s paternity test, everything else should be fine

Anya reached out to gently rub her brows and tried to calm herself down

She could not allow herself to make any mistakes before anything was done

After finally calming down a little, she resumed working

However, the only thing was, the designers of JK Group was too jealous of her. Especially when they knew that she actually forced a seasoned designet, Tammy, by replacing her and snatching away the opportunity of designing Dan’s cousin’s wedding dress

Tammy was so furious that she felt as if she was about to explode. It was in that moment that Tammy finally experienced the full extent of how good Anya was at flirting with people. She was only able to get the assignment by flirting with men

Tammy had nearly ten years of experience in design. She thought that it was impossible to be replaced by Anya, an intern that had just graduated from her course

However, the truth was that she had been replaced

Not to mention, it was Mr. Hanson himself that had personally named her for the job. She felt like she would be driven mad from how furious she was. She was impulsive enough to look for Carol as she knew that Carol absolutely resented Anya

Tammy stormed into Carol’s office furiously in her high heels before exclaiming, Anya’s driving me mad, Carol!” 


Chapter 100 

What’s the matter?Carol asked. The truth was, Carol and Tammy were actually rivals and had snatched plenty of projects from each other in secret. However, now that they both shared a common enemy, it would only be natural for them to team up against Anya

Don’t you know?Tammy rubbed her eyes and forced a bullied look on her face. She intentionally used Jake to get Carol all worked up as she said, Has Anya casted a spell on your Mr. Hanson? How could he listen to everything she says? Do you know that not only did he gave her the assignment to design Dan’s cousin’s wedding gown, she’s also working on a project for Mdm. Welton.” 

Say, do you think they’ve slept with each other since he gave her all the good assignments?” 

What a load of crap that is.Carol exclaimed. This was the first time Carol had cursed. It seemed that she was able to accept anything like how close they were. However, the only thing she was not able to accept for them sleeping together as she exclaimed, Since when have you even seen them sleeping together anyway?” 


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