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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 143

In Chapter 143 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 143 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 143 

The sound of the door slamming didn’t seem to upset Evan at all. Something dangerous flickered in his dark eyes. He stared out of the window and watched Anya’s slender form as she headed for her apartment building



She wanted to report him to management. Well, he was the management

Evan kept watching until Anya entered her apartment building and disappeared from his view. Then, he pressed a button. The screen separating the front and back of the car rolled down

Start the car. We’re going back to my apartment,the young man told his driver coolly

His driver nodded. Alright, Mr. Welton.” 

The black Bentley slid out of the estate onto the main street smoothly. After a few minutes, the driver seemed to remember something. He tilted his head slightly towards the back of the car. Mr. Welton, you made an order for European style kidsfurniture. They’ve arrived. They can be delivered and assembled tomorrow.” 

Do you need the deliverymen to assemble the furniture after they are delivered?the man added, his eyes flickering towards the rearview mirror to the reflection of Evan seated quietly in the backseat

Evan pinched the bridge of his nose. After a moment, he let out a vague sound. Yeah.” 

I’ll let Hayden know tomorrow.” 

You won’t be delivering the furniture to my apartment,” Evan said as he cast his eyes out the window

The other man seemed confused. Where should we deliver the furniture to then, Mr. Welton?” 


View Mansion.The place was bigger. The two kids would be able to run around

The thought of the two children cemented something in Evan’s mind. He was convinced that they were his

He might be proven otherwise, of course. The men he had instructed to look into the matter might tell him differently

He didn’t mind. They could still have the furniture that he had picked out

Destiny had put them in each other’s way, after all

Sure, Mr. Welton.The driver nodded before slamming his foot into the gas pedal. The car sped down the road towards Evan’s apartment

Meanwhile, back in the shabbylooking apartment building that the Bentley had left

Anya had hidden in the building for a good ten minutes. She finally stepped out of the building when she had seen Evan 


Chapter 143 

drive away 

She walked out and searched the area. She was right. They were gone

The young woman let loose a sigh of relief. Tension eased from her shoulders. She turned around and made her way 

towards Ellie’s apartment

She could feel her breasts hanging heavily on her chest. It was time to feed the kids again

After a ten minute brisk walk, Anya finally got home

Her two precious angels rushed towards her as soon as they saw her step through the door 

Nathaniel seemed especially eager to see his mother. He had learned to talk recently and had been building a vocabulary at an astounding rate. He was now speaking simple sentences

The boy opened his mouth and threw himself into his mother’s arms. Mamayou’re home.” 

A smile broke out on Anya’s face when she heard those words. She tousled her son’s hair fondly Hey Nathaniel, Year, In back” 

Her darlings were such precious little angels

Nathaniel was going to be a sweet young man when he grew up. He would be nothing like Evan. He wasn’t going to grow up to be a bully

The sudden thought of Evan sent a shiver down Anya’s spine. Why was she thinking about the man

She had to stop thinking about Evan. He could try and harass her for all she cared

She was going to keep turning down his advances

Men like him wouldn’t keep this up for long. They didn’t have the time for that. They were busy peccle, ather all Besices. there were plenty of women out there willing to throw themselves at his feet. She was only one of many women and one who was saying noto him repeatedly

He would lose his patience eventually

She didn’t have to be that bothered

Evan would get tired of his fruitless pursuits and give up sooner or later


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