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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 144

In Chapter 144 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 144 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 144 

MamaEudora reached out, wrapped her arms around Anya’s neck and started to whine softly

But the girl didn’t know how to speak. All that came out of her mouth was garbled sounds that made no sense 

What’s wrong. Eudora? Did you miss Mommy?” Anya had no idea what Eudora was protesting about 

She simply kissed her little girl’s cheek softly. Her eyes shone with love as she gazed at her daughter 

Eudora nodded. She wanted to tell her mother that she missed her but she wasn’t as smart as her brother who had slinsedy 

leamed to talk 

All she knew were a few simple words like mom and Elie 

Beyond those simple words, she didn’t know anything else

She wanted to talk to her mother like what her brother was doing and cheer her mother up after an exhausting day but the 

didn’t know how

All she could do was mumble garbled sounds like an idiot 

The girl couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by sudden misery. Why was she so supic

Well, Mommy’s back now. You don’t have to miss me anymore,” Anys smiled as she gazed fondly at her daughter’s adorable little face. The thought that her daughter was upset because she missed her mother made Anys’s heart swell wits 


She carried Eudora to the couch. Mommy’s going to try and make it home earlier so that she can spend more time with you and Nathaniel, alright?” 

Anya’s comforting words were like a soothing balm. The girl began to calm down. After some time, she nodded quiety 

Anya got both her kids in her arms and began breastfeeding

Ellie made her way to the trio while Anya was feeding her kids. I fed them formula milk twice today. They drank it making a fuss. You can start to wean them off breast milk” 

Anya nodded. She was of the mind to do that as soon as possible

Her job required her to work late and entertain clients occasionally. That meant she wouldn’t be able to breastfeed her kids 

as regularly as she wanted

I’ll get you some buckwheat tea after you’ve weaned them off breastmilk. It’ll help,” Ble said

Thanks, Ellie.Anya felt her heart swell with gratitude. Her aunt had done so much for her

If her mother had been around, Ellie wouldn’t have had to take on the burden of taking care of Anya and her kids


Chapter 144 

The pension she had would have guaranteed her a comfortable retirement

But here she was taking care of Anya and Anya’s two children

Anya couldn’t stop the waves of guilt from surging inside her. She swore that she would repay Ellie back for what she had done after she had made a name for herself. She would make sure Ellie lived a comfortable life when she was rich

Dawn broke the next day

Anya woke up when the alarm went off. Her two precious angels were still sound asleep

The young woman got out of bed quietly to wash up. Then, she headed outside for breakfast

Ellie laid breakfast out on the table. She had gotten up early that morning to buy breakfast. Anya, come and have breakfast.” 

Ellie, that’s a lot of food for breakfast.Anya sat down and reached out for a piece of toast and butter

They usually made do with a few slices of buttered toast for breakfast

The occasions when they had waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon were far and few between

The young 


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