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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 145

In Chapter 145 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 145 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 145 

After she was done with breakfast, Anya left the apartment while the kids were still asleep

She didn’t want them crying for their mother as she left for work

When she got downstairs, the young woman received a call from Evan. That was when she remembered what Evan had said last night. He had told her that he was going to pick her up for work this morning

Are you up?The man’s husky voice sounded from the other end of the line. 

Anya’s mind went completely blank when she heard Evan’s voice. Had he been serious last night when he had said that he was going to drive her to work

She didn’t need a ride though

Mr. Welton, I’m on my way to work right now. I don’t need a lift. Thanks for the offer.She hung up before Evan could say 


She had been too careful and afraid in the past. She had been worried that she would lose her job. That was why she had been swallowing her pride and letting Evan have his way 

She wasn’t going to do that anymore

There were plenty of fashion design agencies out there

If they fired her, she could always look for another job

If they didn’t, she planned to keep working at JK Couture for another six months. She would get some experience and then 


If things didn’t work out or got bad, she would simply quit before the six months were up

Mentally prepared to quit anytime she had to, Anya was no longer interested in giving in to Evan and playing the man’s 


Meanwhile, Evan couldn’t help but feel a kick after Anya had hung up on him so boldly and fearlessly

Honestly, he had never had a woman turn his advances down

Evan narrowed his dark eyes slightly before tapping on the screen of his phone lightly and sending a text to Anya. Ms MacMillan, I want you in my office as soon as you arrive at Welton Group Tower. I’ll make a trip down to JK Couture and escort you to my office if I don’t see you there” 

He didn’t wait for Anya’s reply after he had sent the text 

Instead, he raised his hand and gestured at his driver. The driver was to drive him to the office right now

The driver nodded and started the car. With a turn of his steering wheel, they were speeding down the street and headed 


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Chapter 145 

for Welton Group Tower

It didn’t take long for Anya to reach Welton Group Tower

Her mind went blank when she saw the text that Evan had sent her

Should she make a trip to his office

Anya stood at the lobby as she wondered about what to do. It was then that Sydney arrived for work as well. The sight of Anya standing next to the elevator sent spikes of jealousy stabbing at her. She marched up to Anya and said in a frosty voice, I heard what happened with Ms. Mars. You’re really something, aren’t you?” 

Anya had managed to change Lola’s mind

Who knew what devious trick she had resorted to

That’s hardly any of your business.” Anya wasn’t interested in talking to Sydney at all

She still had a grudge to settle with Sydney and her mother

My advice to you remains the same. I suggest that you quit your job as soon as you can.Sydney didn’t want Anya hanging around Evan while the latter could see her. You don’t want people in the company to find out what you did a year ago.” 

Sydney shouldn’t have mentioned the incident that had happened a year ago. The mere mention of it sent anger rushing through Anya. Let them find out. It won’t take them long to find out who’s actually behind that incident. You know who the true mastermind behind the setup was. It was you and Melissa, not me!” 

Anya clenched her jaw in fury as she smashed her finger into the button. The doors to the elevator slid open. The young woman stormed inside

Sydney stood rooted to the spot. She wasn’t interested in getting stuck in the same elevator as Anya. Besides, what Anya. had said had infuriated her

Her stepsister had tried to threaten her

Whatever. She didn’t care. Sydney was going to make sure that Anya disappeared from this world just like how Anya’s 

mother had

Anya stewed in fury as she rode the elevator to the top floor where Evan’s office was situated. She reeled back in shock the moment she stepped out of the elevator. Why had she pressed the button to the top floor

She should’ve been on her way to JK Couture instead

Her thoughts were in an absolute mess. It didn’t matter though. Evan had texted her. She would have to turn up at his office sooner or later

Her heart sank. The young woman made her way towards Evan’s office

She knocked and then stepped into Evan’s office. The young man was dressed in a pair of dark pants and a white shirt. He stood at one corner of the room, holding a sheet of paper that was at least three feet long. It appeared to be a blueprint


Chapter 145 

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