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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 152

In Chapter 152 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 152 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 152 

Anya brought the dress that was worth a hundred grand home with her

During her ride back home, she peered into the bag and caught a glimpse of something hidden within the folds of the dress. It was a beautifully made card

The young woman pulled the card out of the bag and flipped it open. Her eyes widened with incredulity instantly. Written on the card were two simple words: Happy Birthday

Happy birthday

Sure, it was her birthday today, but why would Evan know that

He had placed the card in the bag though. He must know that it was her birthday today

Anya could feel her heartbeat speeding up slightly

Was that why he had invited her out for dinner tonight? Did he intend to celebrate her birthday with her

The young woman’s heart was beating furiously now. She took a few moments to calm herself down

What was she thinking

An expensive dress and a birthday card weren’t going to win her over. She wasn’t going to fall into bed with the mant because of a simple birthday gift

She had principles

Anya pulled herself together. She ripped the lovely birthday card into pieces and tightened her fists around the crumpled shreds. As soon as the bus reached her stop, she alighted and threw the torn pieces of the card into a bin

She had planned to bring her kids out for a good meal to celebrate her dinner. It appeared that her plans were now dashed

After some thought, Anya decided to buy a cake from a bakery around the corner. She would have her birthday cake with Ellie and her kids. They could have dinner at a nice restaurant some other time


Anya tried to cheer herself up. The young woman was greeted by the cries of her kids when she stepped into the apartment with the cake that she had just bought.. 

Ellie was trying her best to make them stop crying

It was to no avail. No matter what she did, Nathaniel and Eudora kept wailing. The sound of their loud cries made Anya’s 

heart break

She placed the cake on the table hurriedly and turned towards her aunt. Ellie, why are the kids crying? What’s wrong?” 

I’m so glad you’re back.Ellie was at her witsend. She was ready to burst into tears as well. Nathaniel’s running a fever. He feels really warm.” 


Chapter 152 

FAN 10% 13:36 

Nathaniel had started running a fever unexpectedly. It was a high fever. His skin burned a worrying heat. The discomfort of suffering such a high fever had finally driven the boy into tears

The sight of her brother wailing had upset Eudora as well. She couldn’t bear to have her brother suffering in misery. That was why Eudora had burst into tears as well

Ellie had no idea what was going on in both the kidsheads. She had been trying desperately to stop the twins from crying. After they had quietened down, she was going to bring them to the hospital and get Nathaniel seen to

They couldn’t let the fever ravage the young boy’s body. It was a terribly high fever. It might lead to brain damage if it were left untreated

The consequences were unimaginable

A fever? A sudden wave of panic surged inside Anya. She rushed towards the couch where Nathaniel was currently sprawled across, and stuck her hand out. Her palm fell on the boy’s forehead gently. It burned

Ellie, have you taken his temperature?” 

I just did. It was 102.2. I’ve been taking his temperature regularly. It’s been stuck between 100.4 and 102.2. I stuck a cooling pad on his forehead earlier. It didn’t help much,Ellie said. Now that Anya was back, her aunt turned her attention to Eudora, who had not stopped crying

Nathaniel, be a good boy and stop crying. Let’s take you to the hospital now. The doctor will fix you.Anya’s heart broke at the sight of her son’s flushed and tearstained cheeks. The boy wouldn’t stop crying. She could feel her own eyes turning wet. Without saying another word, she lifted Nathaniel into her arms and headed towards the door

Ellie lifted Eudora into her arms. She took a minute to shove some diapers, milk powder and milk bottles into a bag. Then, they were off to the hospital

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the city of Nordeny was a nightclub filled with neon lights, loud music, and a crowd that lost itself to alcohol and dancing

A handsome young man was draped lazily on a comfortable couch in a suite in the nightclub. He had a glass of red wine in his hand and was swirling it nonchalantly. He wasn’t talking to anyone at all. In fact, his mind seemed to be elsewhere. Next to him was Dan, who was chatting happily with the other patrons in the suite

After some time, Dan finally turned around. The look on his friend’s face seemed unreadable in the myriad of wild and flashing lights. Dan whirled the glass of wine in his hand gently. We’re supposed to be having fun. What’s with that look on your face?

Til be leaving soon,Evan said before taking a sip of wine from his glass

What’s the hurry? Do you have someone waiting for you back home? Or are you sneaking off to a date?Dan’s lips quirked into a playful smile. Is it Anya?” 

Evan wasn’t behaving like his usual self

Chapter 152 

The man might dislike loud crowds, but always shared a few drinks with them

He would take the opportunity to relax and let himself go


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But that wasn’t what he was doing today at all. Dan wondered if this had anything to do with Anya

It might be

The mention of Anya seemed to make the man unhappy. It’s nothing.” 

I’ve invited a few models to join us. You should get to know them. Make a few friends,” Dan said with a laugh. He didn’t 

believe a word that Evan had said

I’m not interested.” 

Dan wasn’t having any of that. He raised his hand, caught the attention of a waiter and then snapped his fingers

Within minutes, a few gorgeouslooking, skimpily dressed young women sashayed into the suite

Their eyes fell on the two handsome looking young men seated in the middle of the couch instantly

The modelseyes brightened instantly at the sight of the two young men

The men that they usually had had to drink with were fat and ugly. Hardly great specimens of the male sex

There were currently six men seated in their suite and at least two of them were handsome looking young men who looked like they belonged in a Hollywood movie


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