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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 153

In Chapter 153 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 153 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 153 


Meanwhile, in a hospital in Nordeny

The doctor had just drawn some blood from Nathaniel. The boy was currently resting quietly in his mother’s arms as they waited for the results of the blood work to be out

They waited in a tense silence. Ellie was clearly drowning in guilt. I’m so sorry, Anya. It’s all my fault. I should’ve kept a closer eye on them” 

Don’t blame yourself, Ellie Kids get fevers all the time. It’s not your fault.Anya honestly didn’t blame her aunt at all. The woman had taken them in and helped Anya raise her children

She was the reason Anya could get a job and leave for work every day without worrying about her angels


Look at how miserable Nathaniel looks. I feel terrible,Ellie whispered. She was clearly heartbroken. The woman loved and cared for the twins as if they were her own

It’ll be fine.” Anya said to her aunt. She placed her hand over the woman’s hand and squeezed it slightly. Her aunt’s hand was small in her own, her skin lined with the barest of wrinkles. It’s just a fever, Ellie. Nathaniel’s going to be fine.” 

Anya was right. It was just a fever. It wasn’t anything serious. Ellie nodded and tried to calm her worrying heart

Mom, it doesn’t hurt. I feel fine,Nathaniel blurted out suddenly. He had been resting quietly within Anya’s arms while Anya spoke to Ellie when the string of words erupted from his lips clumsily. He was still fumbling with his sentences

But Anya heard her son loud and clear

The young woman felt something warm and fuzzy settle in her chest. She gazed down at the boy and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Mom knows. You’re more than fine. You’re amazing. Like Superman!” 

Yup.” The boy nodded. I’m Superman.” 

That’s right. Nathaniel’s just like Superman.” 

While Anya showered Nathaniel with soft praises, Eudora placed her small hand on her brother’s forehead and started mumbling unintelligibly

Anya and Ellie couldn’t understand any of the girl’s garbled words 

But Nathaniel could

He reached out and placed his own small palm on his sister’s forehead. I’m okay, Dora” 

Eudora heard that and nodded quietly

The twins appeared to have a language that they shared between themselves. They understood each other perfectly

Anya held onto Nathaniel and kept waiting. After half an hour, the report for the blood work was ready


Chapter 153 


10% 13:36 

Anya set Nathaniel down and went off to collect the report. Meanwhile, Nathaniel and Eudora waited by Ellie’s side

As they waited for their mother to return, Nathaniel stared at the other children in the hospital. They had both their fathers 

and mothers with them

A sliver of envy wormed itself into the boy’s chest

As Nathaniel learned how to talk, he was also beginning to learn more about the world around him

He would stare at the other kids. They had a mother and a father

The sight would drive a dagger of envy into his heart

Everybody else had a father

But he didn’t. His sister didn’t too

Nathaniel didn’t understand why. He wasn’t feeling well now though and his discomfort prevented his mind from dwelling on the thought. The boy set the thought aside and kept waiting patiently for his mother’s return

After collecting the report, Anya brought Nathaniel and the results of Nathaniel’s blood work to the doctor. The doctor studied the report and the figures indicating Nathaniel’s white blood count. It’s a viral infection. But from the looks of it, it’s a mild one. You have nothing to worry about.” 

Anya released a sigh of relief. Does he need to be put on the drip?” 

The doctor reached for the thermometer and took Nathaniel’s temperature. After a moment, he took a look at the temperature shown on the device. The fever seems to have gone down but we can’t be sure if it’ll come back again.” 

What do you mean?Anya seemed a little confused

There’s a chance that the fever might go on for another three days before going down on the fourth. Usually, that’s when the rashes break out,” the doctor explained patiently to the young woman. You should monitor his temperature regularly and try to keep the fever down. If his temperature rises above 100.4, give him kidsaspirin.” 

If his temperature doesn’t go down, bring him to the hospital immediately.” 

Anya committed the doctor’s advice to memory dutifully

Anya and Ellie brought the kids home. They couldn’t get much sleep that night. They had to wake up every hour to take Nathaniel’s temperature. If the fever hadn’t gotten worse, they would go back to bed. If it had, they would have to cool him down

That went on for another three days

The doctor had been right. The fever went down on the fourth day 

The rashes appeared

After a day, the rashes faded. Nathaniel had recovered


Chapter 153 


10 13:36 

Ellie decided to give Nathaniel a treat after his bout of illness. She called Anya and told her niece that she would like to take Nathaniel and Eudora out. They could visit the mall and grab some snacks

Anya thought it was a great idea. Having gotten their mother’s permission to bring them out, Ellie took the two excited children to a mall in the neighborhood

Anya had been worried that the MacMillans and the Weltons might find out about the kids and had tried to keep their existence a secret. That meant that the twins hardly got to leave the house

That explained why they were overwhelmed by the sight of the enormous mall that greeted them. The children’s eyes widened with awe

Curiosity shone in their huge eyes as they explored the place

Nathaniel was the more mischievous and playful of the two

He wouldn’t stop running around. He was elated

Ellie held tightly onto Eudora’s hand as she yelled at Nathaniel and told the boy to slow down and stop running


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