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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 154

In Chapter 154 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 154 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 154 

The towering man approached Nathaniel as he spoke. His voice sounded low and melodic to the boy’s ears

Evan kneeled on one knee and looked Nathaniel in the eye. The boy felt like a young prince in the presence of his knightly escort. The man’s voice was a low gentle murmur. Your dad’s here now. No one’s going to pick on you anymore.” 

Nathaniel stared at the man before him. It was the stranger whom he had seen at their apartment

The boy froze. His large round eyes stared stupidly at the man. His mother had warned him to stay away from this stranger. He was dangerous, his mother had told him

They had to keep their distance from him

Otherwise, awful things would happen to them

For a moment, Nathaniel found himself at a loss. He had no idea what to say or do

He simply stared dumbly at Evan like a lost duckling

Why was the stranger pretending to be his father

He knew what his mother had warned him about the stranger. But honestly, he thought the guy was really cool

He had a team of tall men dressed in black suits following him around

They stood behind him like his own guard and appeared to be at his beck and call

It was like something that he had seen in a cartoon a few days ago

In the cartoon, the king was constantly shadowed by his many guards

Nathaniel didn’t know what a CEO was. All he knew was that Evan was exactly like the kingly character in the cartoon that he had watched a few days ago. He looked cool and awesome

He had guards and servants at his beck and call

Nathaniel wasn’t far from the truth. Evan was an impressive character

A moment ago, the chubby kid’s father had come running when the fight had broken out between the two boys. The sight of Evan and the train of personal assistants and bodyguards trailing Evan had driven the other kid’s father into sheer terror. The man had grabbed his kid and tried to run

Evan’s bodyguards had stopped him before he could go anywhere

Please don’t go anywhere,” one of the bodyguards had droned at him

The other kid’s father had looked as if he were ready to wet his pants. He had looked around him with disbelief in his eyes. This looked like a scene out of a movie. He hadn’t expected something out of the movies to happen in reality too



Chapter 154 

* FIN 10% 13:37 

What made things worse as the fact that his stupid child had been the one who had gotten them both in trouble in the first. place

He desperately wanted to give the kid a good lesson that he would never forget

That’d teach him to pick on other kids in the future

Look at what he’d done. He’d stupidly picked on the son of a powerful man

Sir, the kids are just playing. Let’s not cause a scene,the other kid’s father said to one of Evan’s bodyguards attempting to muster a smile

He stole my ball!” 

His kid started yelling at his father then. Dad, beat that kid up. He stole my 


Shut your mouth, boy! You’re going to get it from me when we get home!The man yelled at his kid and smacked the boy on his cheek hard. The latter was stunned. His father never hit him

Why had his father hit him

The chubby kid burst into tears and started wailing. Snot and tears streamed down his face. He looked a pitiful sight

Nathaniel couldn’t stop himself from bursting out into guffaws at the sight

Ellie couldn’t laugh at all. Her heart had nearly stopped. What was wrong with Evan

No sane man should go running around claiming strange boys as their sons

The woman yanked herself out of her stunned stupor. The next second, she was racing forward and tugging Nathaniel to her side. Her voice was shaking with nervousness. Come on, Nathaniel. Let’s head home now.” 

Evan held his arm out and stopped Ellie from leaving. His voice remained gentle and polite. Ms. Albrecht, I’d like to invite these children to join me for lunch. Would you be alright with that?” 

Thanks for the invitation. But the kids aren’t used to eating out,Ellie said as she stepped forward and put herself between the twins and Evan. The look of caution on her face was as stark as day

We can pick somewhere nice. A decent restaurant that does kidsmeals,Evan said. He couldn’t curb the protective streak inside him, nor the voice in his head that was telling him to do something nice for the kids

It didn’t matter that the results of the DNA test had proven that they weren’t his children.

His gut told him otherwise

His gut told him that these kids were his

Ellie wasn’t interested in having lunch with Evan at all. They had gone to a lot of trouble to mislead the man with the DNA test. She wasn’t going to let the twins get anywhere near him

She wasn’t crazy



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