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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 156

In Chapter 156 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 156 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 156 

Because of what her cousin had told her, Lola went looking for Rain two days later

The two young women worked in the same company, 

It wasn’t exactly a challenge trying to locate Rain

Lola called Rain and asked her out for a cup of coffee

Naturally, Rain’s curiosity was piqued. She wondered why Lola had sought her out

She arrived at the cafe located in the same building as their office buzzing with curiosity. What’s up? I didn’t expect you to ask me out for coffee. Aren’t you busy?” 

I caught a breakLola said as she smiled at the other young woman and stirred her iced mocha with her straw nonchalantly. What would you like to have?” 

A cappuccino,Rain said after taking a glimpse at the menu

Lola nodded and lifted her hand. That caught the attention of a waiter in the vicinity. Within moments, she placed the order for a cup of cappuccino 

What’s up?Rain placed the menu back on the table and asked the young woman seated before her

Lola coughed. It was an unpleasant position to be caught in. She remembered what her cousin had told her to tell Rain. She always did what her cousin told her to. The young woman steeled herself before blurting out bluntly. Rain, you should stay away from Anya” 

What?” Rain’s eyes widened in shock. A streak of curiosity flashed across her wide eyes as she studied Lola carefully. Why?” 

Don’t ask why. Just stop getting her into trouble or putting her in a spot.Lola couldn’t simply tell the young woman that Anya had caught Evan’s eye

Evan hated it when people went around gossiping about his personal life

I think I deserve an explanation.Rain wasn’t someone anyone could push around and she wasn’t going to let a woman hang around Evan and try to get close to the man

She wanted Evan. She had wanted him for a very long time

If she could, she would marry into the Weltons right now. She would be the young wife of Evan Welton and the mistress of the Welton family. Every woman in Nordeny would gaze upon her with envy

Wellit’s because because. The gears in Lola’s head turned furiously as she scrambled for an explanation. Something popped into her head instantly Her cousin wasn’t going to mind. My cousin’s interested in her. She caught Dan’s eye.” 

Rain wasn’t interested in Dan


Chapter 156 

This should work 

Rain let out a sound of surprise. She didn’t seem convinced though. Was Dan honestly interested in Anya? Are you 


Well what had Anya been doing in Evan’s apartment then

This didn’t sound right. Something fishy was going on here

Of courseLola said smoothly. Talk to Dan if you don’t believe me. I would advise you to play nice and not get into trouble with him though. He doesn’t know what you did to Anya. She didn’t mention a word to my cousin. But you’re going to find yourself in a lot of trouble if he finds out!” 

A crease appeared between Rain’s brow. She gave Lola a thoughtful look. The other woman had no reason to lie to her. After a moment, she decided to trust Lola’s words. Alright. I know what to do. I’ll stay away from Anya.” 

That’s great.Lola released a sigh of relief inwardly. She had managed to fool Rain after all

She wasn’t going to take any responsibility for what might happen if someone found out that she had lied about Dan’s interest in Anya though

Time passed quickly. Soon, it was the weekend. Finally, a break from work

Jake tried to ask Anya out for dinner. Anya lied and said that she was spending the weekend with her best friend, Cindy

She might have gotten out of a dinner with Jake, but she couldn’t run away from one with Evan

The man had helped her out of a tough spot and gotten her away from Shane. She owed him dinner

The young woman decided she should get that over and done with this weekend

They could go their separate ways after that

With that thought in mind, Anya sent Evan a quick text while she was brushing her teeth that morning

Mr. Welton, are you available for lunch this afternoon? I believe I owe you one.” 

She received a reply within seconds. Ms. MacMillan, I’ll see you at my apartment.” 

The text that Evan had sent her was baffling. Anya frowned as she studied the ambiguous text. Why was Evan asking her to turn up at his apartment so early in the moming


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