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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 157

In Chapter 157 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 157 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 157 

Anya was clearly extremely cautious of Evan. She brushed her teeth and cleaned up hastily

Then, she changed into a fresh set of clothes, grabbed the expensive dress that was worth a hundred grand and made for 

the door

Ellie caught her as she emerged from the kitchen. Her aunt had a bowl of congee in her hands. She seemed surprised that Anya was heading out so early in the morning on a weekend. You don’t have work today, do you? Why are you heading out so early in the morning?” 

I have something to attend to. I’ll be back soon,” Anya said as she slipped into her sneakers. Tilbe back to feed the kids later. They can have formula milk for breakfast.” 

Alright, I know what to do,Ellie said with a nod. See you later then.” 

Yup.Anya nodded lightly. She had to leave before her precious darlings woke up. She wouldn’t be able to slip away once they were awake and crying for their mother

Anya lifted the bag that held the exceedingly expensive dress that Evan had gotten her and made her way down to the bus 


She boarded the bus and made her way towards Evan’s apartment

It took her approximately half an hour before she arrived at Evan’s fancy apartment

She stepped into the lobby and informed the security guards where she was headed. After the guards checked her ID, Anya was let through and allowed to ride the elevator to the penthouse

She stood in the middle of the elevator and sniffed lightly. There was a faint tinge of perfume in the air. During the entire ride, the young woman chanted quietly to herself. She was going to have breakfast and then she was going to leave Immediately after that

Anya repeated that to herself a few times before the elevator doors slid open

The young woman clutched the handle of her bag tightly before stepping out of the elevator

Someone let her into the apartment almost as soon as she knocked. It was the same housekeeper she had met the last 


The housekeeper smiled warmly at the young woman. Ms. MacMillan, you’re finally here. I brewed you some herbal tea the last time you were here. I’ve put them away in the freezer. I’ve been waiting for you to pick them up.” 

The woman stepped aside and let Anya into the house

Thank you.Herbal tea? Anya didn’t recall asking anyone to brew her herbal tea

It didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to accept anything from Evan

Chapter 157 

Is Mr. Welton around? I’m here to have breakfast with him.” The string of words rushed out of Anya

The other woman seemed to know something. A soft smile graced her lips as she pointed at the walkway to the bedroom

Mr. Welton’s waiting inside for you.” 

Inside?Anya frowned as she eyed the dim walkway. Unease sat in her gut. I think I’ll wait for him here instead.” 

Mr. Welton told me to inform you to head to the bedroom when you arrive.The housekeeper wasn’t going to disobey the instructions that Evan had given her. In fact, she had to make sure they were followed to a tee. Please don’t keep him waiting, Ms. MacMillan.” 

The housekeeper turned away and headed back to the dining room after that. She had breakfast to prepare and she was worried that Anya might ask too many questions. Questions that she couldn’t answer


stared at the retreating back of the housekeeper and frowned deeply

She did have a few questions for her. But she had scurried off because she had other work to tend to. It wouldn’t be appropriate for Anya to run after the woman

She might simply find some other excuse, tell Anya that she needed to attend to something else, and find herself another hiding spot

Any idiot could tell that the housekeeper was avoiding her

Anya stood in the living room for a few minutes. Finally, she decided she should just get it over and done with. She steeled herself, then slowly made her way to the bedroom

She reached the bedroom. The door was shut. Anya knocked lightly. Mr. Welton, it’s Anya, I’m here.” 

As soon as she said that, she heard Evan’s voice from the other side of the door. Come in.” 

Mr. Welton, I think I’ll wait outside for you.There was no way Anya was stepping inside Evan’s bedroom

She stood at the door and waited

Evan was waiting in his bedroom as well. A minute passed. The young man realized that Anya wasn’t going to come in on her own free will

He stopped waiting and pulled the door open himself

The door to Evan’s bedroom slid open soundlessly

The young man stood at the doorway. He was dressed in a black silk sleeping robe that hung on him loosely

Anya stared at him. Her eyes fell on the vast expanse of naked skin and instinctively traced the firm contours of the man’s muscles. Her ears burned. Her heart started racing. The young woman whirled around the next moment. What would you like to have for breakfast, Mr. Welton? Like I said, I’m buying.” 

Evan watched as Anya tried to keep her eyes away from him. His lips quirked up into a ghost of a smile. He reached forward, placed his hands on Anya’s shoulders and tried to turn her around. Anya mistook his touch for another attempt at 


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