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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 165

In Chapter 165 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 165 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 165 

While Anya was contemplating whether she should approach Cindy’s cousin, Zachary was on his way to meet Sydney 

Evan had but him with a golf ball and had embarrassed him in podac 

Zachary had to make the man pay for what he had done 

He wasn’t going to confront I van in public though He wasn’t an idiot te had no interest in opposing van openly and incurring the man’s wrath That meant that he had to find someone else to help him carry out his dirty deeds A scapegrat to shoulder the blame tomeone like Sydney 

He knew that Sydney was secretly in love with Evan 

Unfortunately, so were many other women, which meant that she hadn’t any chance to get closer to the man 

She was going to go crazy with jealousy if she knew that Anya had been seen with Evan 

That was why Zachary had invited Sydney out for a meal 

Sydney, it’s been a while. You’re looking prettier by the day!Zachary wasn’t in a hurry to talk about Anya instead, he fled Sydney’s glass with red wine and began a tound of compliments Just look at you! You could be a movie star 

Sydney knew she was pretty She flipped her hair coquettishly as Zachary showered praises on her and twisted her lips into a smug smile Stop teasing me, Zach I’m nowhere as beautiful as the celebrities you see in Hollywood” 

Not to a man if you ask any man on the street, he’s going to tell you that you’re prettier than any female celebrity in Hollywood Zachary said smoothly 

The smile on Sydney’s face was blinding She lifted the glass of red wine on the table and swirled it gracefully Look those praises falling from your lips. What do you want, Zachary?” 

They hardly met the other. In fact, a month could pass without them seeing each other at all 

But the man had asked her out for a meal out of the blue and had plied her with compliments with unexpected vigor 

Something was up 

Sydney as always, you’re a genius! There’s no fooling youZachary burst out into laughger His narrow long face looked almost beastly as it contorted and twisted from the exaggerated laughter 

For a moment, he looked more animal than man 

Come on, spill. What do you want?Sydney said after taking a sip from her glass of red wine 

I bumped into your sister a few days ago Zachary finally spilled the beans after taking a sip from his glass of wine as well Guess who she was hanging out with?” 

Who?Anya’s name sent Sydney bristling instinctively She could feel her entire body trembling with tension. It was as if 

3% 14:01 

Chapter 165 

she was getting ready to break out into a fight with Anya right now

Evan Welton, that’s who! The most soughtafter bachelor in Nordeny. The man every woman in the city wants to marry.” 

Evan? Sydney froze instantly. Her face twisted with rage the next moment. Are you sure?” 

Yes. They hardly left each other’s side.” Zachary didn’t dare to share too many details. He didn’t want Sydney to let slip that he was the one who had told her about Anya and Evan. He would find himself in deeper trouble than he wanted then. He wanted the young woman to arrive at her own conclusions

She was a smart woman. She knew what he was trying to tell her

Are you sure? You’re not lying to me, are you?A deep crease furrowed Sydney’s brow. Her eyes were burning with sheer 


Anya had sworn that she would stay away from Evan

Yet here she was, hanging out with Evan despite the oath she had made

Cross my heart and hope to die. I won’t lie to you,” Zachary raised his hand and swore

Sydney took the man’s word for it. She bit her lips angrily. The fury in her eyes burned brightly

The young woman slammed the glass onto the table heavily. She was going to speak to Anya tomorrow. Her.stepsister 

owed her an explanation


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