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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 166

In Chapter 166 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 166 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 166 

Evan spent some time thinking about Lola’s prewedding vacation spot. Then, he finally pulled his thoughts back to work

He spent the next 30 minutes buried in work 

Comwall, his lawyer, called. Mr. Welton, DeepWater Harbor’s almost in our pocket. I think we can start commencing work on the land. Let me know your availability.” 

Let’s not rush into things so quickly. Shane won’t give up that easily. Make sure the legal paperwork for DeepWater Harbor is all done up and ready.” 

Comwall understood what Evan was trying to tell him. His reply showed an equal measure of caution. Don’t worry, Mr. Welton. I’ll make sure everything is taken care of.” 

That’s great. Keep working on it,Evan said. He trusted his lawyer

Don’t worry. I know what to do,” Cornwall replied

Evan hung up. He started twirling the pen he was holding casually. It was obviously an expensive pen finely made which allowed a smooth and easy grip. The young man stroked his chin thoughtfully. The image of Nathaniel popped up in his head

He remembered how upset the boy had looked. There had been tears welling in the boy’s eyes

Eudora had looked equally miserable despite her quiet and reserved demeanor

Evan narrowed his eyes. He was convinced that they were his kids but he didn’t have any evidence to prove that

There was no way Evan was going to steal someone’s children from them based on a conjecture. He set his thoughts aside. for the moment. There would be time later to think of a way to find out if they were his children

Meanwhile, back at JK Couture

Anya had a draft in her hand as she called Lola. She had done the first draft of her design for Lola’s bridal gown

The gown was a long flowing dress that resembled the interplay of light and water in a clear stream. Simple and long dresses were fashionable now

The topmost layer of chiffon shimmered like water in sunlight and was beaded with countless tiny pearls

Anya wondered if Lola would like the design

The call got through within seconds. Anya greeted the young woman cheerfully. Hi, Ms. Mars. Are you busy at the 


I have some time to spare,Lola replied. She was currently in her dressing room. The makeup artist was doing her makeup

Chapter too

W x D in 1491 

Tve come up with the first draft of my design for your gown. Do you have time to take a look at the draft today?Anys asked cautiously as she clutched her phone nervously

After that incident with the mango cake, Anya couldn’t help but feel cautious and nervous every time she spoke to Lola

She didn’t want another incident, after all

You’re done with the first draft?Lola hadn’t expected Anya to come up with the first draft that quickly. Her engagement 

mony was fast approaching though. They had to get the dress done soon. Why don’t you come over now? I don’t have anything lined up for the morning‘ 

I’ll text you the address. You can’t share it with anyone though. It’s sensitive information. Alright?” 

Anya nodded profusely even though Lola couldn’t possibly see what she was doing. Don’t worry, Ms. Mars. Protecting our client’s privacy is part of our job.” 

“I’m glad to hear that I have to go now. Call me when you arrive,Lola sold before hanging up. The makeup artist continued doing her makeup

After some time, Dan called

Lola picked up the call like she usually would. Before she could say a word, Dan started talking. Ask Anya to join you for your vacation at the historic town the next time you see her.” 

The young woman froze momentarily. Are you asking me to invite Anya to my prewedding vacation?” 

Dan nodded. You know what to tell her, don’t you?” 


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