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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 175

In Chapter 175 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 175 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 175 

2% 14:04 

Evening came. It was time to knock off work. The skies above Nordeny were painted in hues of fiery red and orange

They looked as if they were burning

Anya was at a textile mill. JK Couture was partners with this factory. She was currently speaking to the tailor and discussing with him the design for Lola’s bridal gown. She had to get the gown done as soon as possible

This was the first time the tailor was making a bridal gown. He wasn’t very familiar with the design. After studying the draft that Anya had shown him for a very long time, he finally started work on the prototype

Lola was a celebrity

had to

Her bridal gown had to be made from the best fabric and material

Anya had designed a flowy wedding veil for the young woman. Ordinary chiffon sold on the market wouldn’t do. In fact, the more expensive ones wouldn’t do either. The veil had to be made from the best type of chiffon

A yard of the best type of chiffon cost two grand

The fabric required for the wedding gown cost more than ten grand. The rhinestones and pearls that would decorate the veil were going to add to the cost too. The gown was going to cost at least three hundred grand

But three hundred grand was nothing to a celebrity like Lola. It was but pocket change

Someone as rich and famous as Lola wasn’t going to quibble over a few hundred grand

All she wanted was a beautiful gown

That was why Anya had spent the entire afternoon in the textile mill, keeping an eye on the tailor until the prototype was done. She inspected the dress a few times. After making sure that it was perfect, the young woman’s heart was finally set at ease. She could knock off work now

Before stepping out of the tailor’s office, Anya made sure to instruct the man. We designed this bridal gown for one of our company’s most important clients. Our client doesn’t want anyone to know about the gown before she’s ready.” 

The tailor knew the importance of protecting a client’s privacy and confidentiality. He smiled. Don’t worry, Anya. I’ve been working with JK Couture for the past five years. We’re professionals. We adhere to the professional code of conduct.” 

Thank you so much,Anya said. Her voice brimmed with gratitude

Lola was a celebrity. The young woman had told Anya repeatedly to keep quiet about her engagement. When it was time, she would issue an announcement on Twitter and tell the world that she was going to get engaged. She would be the one who would share pictures of her own bridal gown

Anya had agreed, of course. She intended to keep her word

It’s no big deal,” the man said as he smiled warmly at Anya. Don’t worry.” 


Chapter 175 


Anya was an incredibly beautiful and hardworking young woman

The tailor had heard that she was still serving her probation at JK Couture. But honestly, she had shown herself to be as good as the rest of the designers working at the company

He had been working in the textile mill for many years. Talented designers like Anya were a rare breed

It seemed as if she were born to be a designer

Anya nodded. I’ll be here again tomorrow. I’m going to go now.” 

The man rose to his feet and offered to walk Anya out. He honestly liked the young woman

It wasn’t love, of course. He was forty, for goodnesssake. The young woman was as young as his daughter

Perhaps her youth was the reason for why he liked her. Despite her youth and inexperience, she was a hard worker who took her work seriously. She was also extremely friendly and easy to work with. He couldn’t help but like the hardworking 

young woman


While Anya felt bad for having the tailor walk her out, the man had insisted when she had tried to turn down the offer. In the end, she caved and let the man walk her out of the textile mill


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