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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 176

In Chapter 176 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 176 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 176 

Carol parked her car in the parking lot right outside the sexie mil

She killed the engine

Then, the young woman coed out of her car and headed straight for the factory. She had a tailor she needed to speak to

Carol was no stranger to the taior. They had worked together on multiple occasions. Carol’s unexpected visit did not draw any suspicons at all. in fact, she was welcomed warmly by the man

She was an experienced senior designer JK Couture, after all 

In fact, she was several ranks above Aye, who was a junior designer still serving her probationary period 

The talor accorded Carol de respect that her rank deserved. Carol, what a surprise! Do you have any new designs for us

Is that why you’re here?” 

Carol plastered a smile on her face and laughed. That’s right We got a new international client recently who’s looking for something haute couture. They’re willing to pay My creative director told me to take a look at the textile mills that we’re working with currently and assess which might be the most ideal partner for the project.” 

The mention of a new project brought a smile to the man’s face. You know the quality of the products we produce. You can be confident of the quality that you’ll receive if you work with us.” 

11 know that of course. It’s an incredibly importent project though. I can’t rush into a decision with considering all our options.Carol said cooly 

Why don’t you take a seat in my office. Carol? speak to my manager and get him to talk to you.The man’s head was filled with the new project. He had forgotten all about what Anya had told him

Having said that, he headed upstairs to look for his manager

Carol smiled before making her way to the man’s office

Her eyes fell on Lola’s bridal gown as soon as she stepped into the room

The dress was still incomplete. It lacked the accessories and gemstones that would adom the final product. But you could see the basic shape of the dress in the prototype

It was going to be a flowy dress 

It was beautiful

Carol’s eyes burned with envy as she studied the gown. She had to admit that Anya had done a good job

She threw another glance at the gown before pulling her phone out. She snapped a few photos of the prototype

Then, she kept her phone away and took a seat on the couch. The young woman grabbed a magazine from the coffee table 

and started flipping through its pages as she waited for the factory manager to tum up 

2 12 1434 

Night descended upon Nordeny Anya was just done with her call with Ondy. Her spirits soaring, she made her way back to Elle’s apartment. She couldn’t wait to see her precious darings 

The twins had just drunk the milk and were playing with their toys in the living room 

Anya reached the apartment and unlocked the door 

As soon as the twins heard the sound of the door swinging open, they knew that their mother was home 

The children dropped the toys in their hands onto the floor and toddled towards Anys on their chubby little legs hurriedly

Nathaniel got ahead of his sister shouting for his mother as he ran towards the young woman

Eudora couldn’t catch up with her brother. It took her a few moments to reach her mother. At this juncture, Nathaniel already had his arms around one of Anya’s legs. Eudora spread her arms and wrapped them around her mother’s other leg The two kids began to cry for their mother 



Eudora Nathaniel. Mommy missed you too.Anya said as she squatted down and greeted her kids

The twins gave her a fierce hug when they heard that 

They continued crying for their mother 

In fact, they wouldn’t let go of the young woman at all and demanded that she carried them

Exasperated. Anya lifted her kids into her arms 

Elle had been busy in the kitchen. She emerged from the kitchen with a tray of dishes. There was a smile on her face. Nathaniel Eudora, you’re getting heavier Mommy can’t carry you like that anymore. Mommy’s been working the whole day She’s tired” 

Okay MommyNathaniel understood what Ellie had said. The boy wanted to get out of his mother’s arms immediately

He was going to grow up and become a hero

He’d protect his mother and his sister for the rest of his life. He couldn’t let his mother overwork herself because of him

Eudora followed in her brother’s footsteps. Her brother wanted to get down. So did she

Anya placed her two kids back down on the floor. Their antics made her break out into laughter. She had such adorable and kind children. She turned towards her aunt. Ellie, let’s dine out for dinner tomorrow. Something cropped up that day. We didn’t even manage to celebrate my birthday together.” 


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