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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 177

In Chapter 177 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 177 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 177 

0 14:05 

Dinner was an enjoyable affair that night. Anya breastfed the twins after she was done with dinner

The young woman was playing with Eudora and Nathaniel when Ellie came out of the kitchen. She was just done with the dishes. I’m going to buy some fruits from the grocery store nearby” 


Anya took a look at the time. It was half past seven. “I do it” 

It was still early 

You’ve been working late for the past few days. You must be exhausted. Besides, you haven’t been spending much time with the kids recently You should spend more time with them

Why don’t we bring them along?Anya said after some thought 

They hardly get out of the apartment with me. They’ve spent the last year cooped up in the house.” 

Wouldn’t that be.Ellie was worried that they might run into someone they didn’t want to run into

The grocery store’s right around the comer I don’t think we’ll bump into him there, Anya said as she tugged her kids gently to their feet Come on, sweethearts, Mommy’s gonna bring you out. We’re buying some fruits” 

Eudora and Nathaniel beamed with delight when they heard what their mother had said. They couldn’t wait to get out of the 

apartment with their mother

Let’s go.” Anya said as she reached for Eudora’s hand 

Ellie couldn’t stop Anya. She grabbed Nathaniel’s hand and went downstairs with Anya

It didn’t matter that it was a short trip to the grocery store. The family rarely had an opportunity to go out together. Ellie might bring Eudora and Nathaniel along with her when she went out for groceries, but this was the first time the twins were getting groceries with their mother

The kids were jumping with joy 

They wouldn’t leave Anya’s side and wouldn’t stop blabbering garbled and unintelligible words to her

The owner of the grocery store had never seen Anya with the twins. She had had the impression that the beautiful young woman was still single. She had not expected her to be a mother of two. In fact, she hadn’t expected Anya’s kids to be so pretty 

They looked like dolls

Other patrons in the store shared the same sentiment. They couldn’t stop themselves from approaching the adorable children and playing with them 

Anya and Ellie left the twins alone with the other patrons. They seemed friendly and appeared to like the twins


Chapter 177 

1 14:05 

The two women headed towards the fruits and started picking what they wanted. The folks who patronized the grocery store lived in the neighborhood. They wouldn’t hurt their kids

At least, that was what Anya thought. She was still young and naïve


soon as she and Ellie turned around, a strange woman made a grab for Eudora

Nathaniel could talk. The woman dared not make a grab for him, lest he say something

The boy panicked as he watched a stranger abduct his sister. There was no way he could catch up with her. He turned around and burst into tears. The boy wailed loudly for his mother. His loud cries drew the attention of everyone in the store

That was adorable young girl whom they had been playing with a moment ago was gone

hon everyone realized that

Anya whirled around as soon as she heard Nathaniel’s cries. Her eyes landed on her son. Her daughter was nowhere in sight

The young woman hurried over towards the boy with her aunt. Nathaniel, where is Eudora?” 

Nathaniel didn’t know many words. He stuttered as he tried to tell his mother what had happened. A strangertook… 


Dora’s gone

The boy wailed loudly

Tears streamed down Anya’s cheeks when she realized what had happened. Her precious daughter had been abducted. Someone had stolen her daughter from her. Voices rose around her as soon as the folks around her realized what had happened too. Somebody, call the cops!” 

I saw a woman in her forties leaving the store with the girl,” someone else said. She headed left after leaving the store.. You should go after her.” 

Anya stopped crying. She pushed Nathaniel into Ellie’s arms and raced out of the store. She was going to get Eudora back


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