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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 63

In Chapter 63 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 63 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 63 

What a vicious oath! Only a woman as vicious as Sydney could’ve thought of such an oath. Anya stared quietly at the woman. All she wanted to do right now was grab the glass of water on her desk and throw it at Anya’s face

She wanted to tell the woman to get out of her office

But she couldn’t do that. She had to swallow her pride and bide her time before she fulfilled her ambitions

Anya knew that she wasn’t powerful enough right now. She couldn’t act rashly

Honestly, her stomach turned at the thought of making that oath

But she had to stop Sydney from harassing her any further, Intruding into her personal life and dragging her precious kids and Ellie into the mess. She shoved down the abhorrence she felt towards Sydney and uttered the oath

A look of satisfaction settled on Sydney’s face. I’m going to hold you to your word.” 

I’ll hold you to yours too. Stay away from me. I don’t want you in my life.” 

Do you think I want you in mine?Sydney raised her eyebrow at Anya in disbelief before spitting out viciously. You think. too highly of yourself!” 

You can go now.Anya didn’t want to spend another second with her

The sight of Sydney brought up memories of her own mother

If only the MacMillans had done the little that had been needed to keep her mother alive

They were the reason her mother was dead. They had killed her mother

She would never forget that

Hmph!Sydney wasn’t interested in sticking around either. She threw one last angry glare at Anya before stalking out of JK Couture

Sydney’s unexpected visit in the morning had not caused Anya any trouble

But it had ruined her great mood that morning 

The fact that she had interrupted Anya while she had been in the middle of designing Mdm Welton’s hat had made things 


Her thoughts were in a mess now

She didn’t want to make any mistakes in the design. Anya got up and went to the pantry. She decided to make herself a glass of fruit juice. She told herself to calm down and pull herself together. She needed to turn her thoughts back to Mdm Welton’s hat and its design


Chapter 63 

There was no one in the pantry at the moment


Anya got a sachet of readymade fruit juice and dumped it into her glass. She added some hot water and stirred the drink. Then, with her fingers clutching the glass tightly, she leaned against the counter and started sipping at her juice slowly as she tried to pull herself out of the sour mood that Sydney had put her in

She went through half the glass of juice

Then, her best friend, Cindy, called

She had returned to the country

Anya’s spirits rose when she got Cindy’s call. You could literally see her brighten up like the skies after a storm. Her voice was filled with excitement and glee. Cindy! Are you back?” 

That’s right! I’m at the airport. I called you as soon as I landed.” 

Really?Anya said. Her voice was trembling with excitement. I’m at work now. I can’t pick you up at the airport. Let’s meet after I knock off work today. Are you okay with that?” 

Of course! It’s great! I can’t wait to see you again.Cindy sounded equally excited. It had been years since she had last seen Anya 

Cindy had almost forgotten how her best friend looked like

Had she become prettier while Cindy had been gone

Anya had always been beautiful since she had been a kid. She had been a princess to them all

They could have gone abroad to study together. In fact, they should have been returning to the country together right now. But then something had happened in her family

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been separated for so many years

Cindy didn’t want to dwell on that. The thought made her chest twinge painfully. Drop by the new apartment my dad got me when you knock off work. I’m not moving back to my parentsplace in the meantime. We can have a good heartto- 

heart talk.” 

Okay.Anya nodded her head profusely. Text me your address.” 


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