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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 64

In Chapter 64 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 64 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 64 

The call from Mdm Welton came out of the blue

Anya was mildly surprised when she heard the old lady’s voice

Mdm Welton seemed surprisingly forward

Anya wasn’t expecting an invitation to lunch over a hat’s design

Something didn’t seem right here

She tried not to think too much about it. After a moment of stunned surprise, Anya yanked herself out of her thoughts and replied politely. Mdm Welton, I won’t stop working on the hat until you’re happy with it. As for lunchwe have a canteen for the staff at Welton Group Tower.” 

But I’m at the lobby downstairs right now. Won’t you join me for lunch?The old lady appeared to have taken a liking to Anya. She hadn’t forgotten about her since that dinner they had had together

She seemed insistent on having her get to know her own grandson

The Weltons were a powerful family in high society but the old lady didn’t care much for the antiquated rules that other folks in high society usually followed

She didn’t care where Anya came from

As long as Evan liked her, that was all that mattered

Of course, those were the old lady’s views. Evan’s marriage was the concern of the entire family. It affected their family’s interests and reputation. It didn’t matter if the old matriarch didn’t care who Evan’s future wife was and where she came 


Evan’s parents and Evan’s friends cared deeply. They would not approve of Anya

But the old lady had her own worries regarding Evan’s marriage

Her grandson never spoke about girls. She wondered if he were interested in women in the first place. Marriage seemed like such a distant goal at the moment. All she wanted him to do was to start dating

It would be great if the relationship eventually led to their marriage but it wouldn’t matter if it didn’t. Anya wasn’t going to end up at the losing end of the deal. She would make sure of it

With that thought in mind, Mdm Welton decided to go on the offensive and help her grandson find a girlfriend

At least, she would be able to know for certain if he were interested in women

That would leave her with one less thing to worry about


What? Mdm Welton, did you just say you’re at Welton Group Tower right now?Anya blurted out. She couldn’t help but be 

Chapter 64 

impressed by Mdm Welton. The old lady was truly a woman of action

Anya couldn’t believe that she was at Welton Group Tower right now

Perhaps she should sneak downstairs and take a look


Anya felt torn. She didn’t want to spend too much time with the old lady. She didn’t want her grandson to suspect her of trying to worm herself into his life again

She wasn’t interested in being accused of something she hadn’t done

That’s right. I’m downstairs right now. Do you have time to discuss the hat’s design?The old lady’s warm and friendly voice sounded from the other end of the line

Anya believed her. She must be downstairs

The young woman wasn’t dreaming 

Anya bit her lips. After a moment of hesitation, she finally spoke. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.” 

So be it. Let Evan suspect her intentions. Let him confront her and question her motive

The old lady would vouch for her

Mdm Welton could tell her grandson Anya hadn’t done anything and that the old lady had been the one who had invited her 

to lunch

The old lady sounded delighted when Anya accepted her invitation to lunch. That’s great. I’ll see you then.” 

Three minutes later, Anya had her drafts with her as she rushed downstairs

She hurried out of the elevator as soon as the doors slid open

The old lady was dressed in an elegant looking dress and seated in the waiting area. She was clearly waiting for Anya

Anya slowed down as soon as she saw Mdm Welton. After a moment, she realized what she had done and quickened her pace instantly

Mdm Welton, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.Anya took the seat across Mdm Welton and placed the drafts on the coffee 

table between them

Not at all.The old lady smiled graciously at the young woman. The latter was dressed in a plain white blouse and a black skirt today 


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