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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 65

In Chapter 65 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 65 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 65 

Why would Mdm Welton invite Evan to lunch as well

Anya would rather kill herself than have lunch with the man

The young woman yanked herself out of her momentary stupor and mustered a stiff smile at the old lady. Thanks for the Invitation, Mdm Welton. I’m really sorry but I don’t think I can join you for lunch.” 

The old lady knew Anya was just shy. She beamed at her. Don’t worry, I can speak to Jake. He won’t stop you from joining us for lunch.” 

Anya could feel her heart skip a beat. Jake wasn’t the reason she was turning down the offer to join Mdm Welton and Evan 

for lunch

The reason she was doing it was because she didn’t want to have lunch with them at all

She couldn’t tell the old lady the truth though. Anya wracked her brains furiously as she tried to come up with another excuse. Mdm Welton, I have an appointment this afternoon. That’s why I can’t join you for lunch.” 

Is that so? What a coincidence.The old lady seemed crestfallen when she heard that. I made a trip to Welton Group Tower just so I could have lunch with you.” 

She sounded terribly upset. Anya felt waves of guilt assailing her

The young woman bit her lips. Let’s have lunch another day, Mdm Welton.” 

Alright then.” The old lady couldn’t possibly drag Anya off to have lunch with her when the latter had told her that she had something to attend to. But she couldn’t stop a hint of disappointment seeping into her words. Honestly, I’m not sure if Evan’s going to have time to join us for lunch. I simply mentioned his name in passing. He’d join us if he had the time. But if he didn’t, I suppose I’ll just have to have lunch alone” 

Anya fell silent

She had a feeling that the old lady was on the verge of convincing her to do something that she really didn’t want to do

She was right. She ended up joining Mdm Welton for lunch

After all, she had nothing on for lunch

It had been an excuse

She couldn’t believe herself. She gave in every single time. She was such a sucker

Anya honestly couldn’t believe what she was doing. Then she remembered what Mdm Welton had said. Evan might not be Joining them. He was a busy man after all. It made sense that he wouldn’t have time to have lunch with them

She should calm down and stop jumping at every shadow

Chapter 65 

The likelihood of Evan turning up for lunch with them was incredibly low

He was probably swamped with work

The thought of that set Anya at ease

Soon, the time came for lunch. Anya and Mdm Welton headed out. The latter had made a reservation at a fancy restaurant

She had asked for a private suite.. 

It was a great restaurant. The décor was elegantly done and the place quiet

The food was delicious

The fact that Evan didn’t turn up made everything infinitely better

Mdm Welton had called the young man a while ago and had been told that he was busy and couldn’t join her for lunch. Anya’s heart rested back into her chest instantly. Her worries set to rest, she let herself relax and started to enjoy her meal with the old lady

The old lady didn’t seem particularly affected by Evan’s absence. She seemed happy to have Anya with her

She must be really lonely

Evan was busy with work. So were his parents, who were tending to their business overseas

The other kids in the family were busy with their work and life too

They rarely had any time for her

Happy to have someone spend some time with her, the old lady wouldn’t stop placing orders for more dishes

The two women dined happily in their suite. In the middle of their lunch, someone suddenly pushed the door to the private 


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