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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 773

In Chapter 773 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 773 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 773 

Hearing what Ansley said, Evan cast an inquiring look at the contract in her hand and the seal on it proved that it was the contract he had missed. But he couldn’t believe that Jase would forget it

Jase was an experienced senior associate and wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake

Evan became suspicious, but it was a lucky thing that he could get the contract back. He thanked Ansley and said, Okay, give it back to me.” 

Ansley obeyed and handed the contract to him. Goodbye, Mr. Welton.” 

Right now, she turned around and twisted her ankle deliberately

Her high heels collided with the floor and made a squealing noise

Then she fell heavily to the ground

The pain almost killed her and she gave an involuntary shudder

She paid a huge price to stay with Evan

The previous cut wound soon healed over

But it would take a much longer time to recover from the twist she inflicted 



She had to endure this killing pain

Or all her sufferings, including the wounds on her wrist, would go to waste

Thinking of this, Ansley made a show of raising herself, but just couldn’t do it and had to appeal for Evan’s help. Mr. Welton, I’m so sorry, but the pain kills me. Wait for a minute and then I can stand up on my own.” 

Tears also streamed down her face

Did you hurt your ankle?Evan caught sight of her swollen ankle and it seemed that she told the 


He knitted his brows again. Although reluctant to touch other women, Evan had to help Ansley up 

to her feet

I’m sorry.Ansley apologized and the pain in her ankle was much relieved instantly

She stared into the eyes of Evan, enraptured

You didn’t mean to hurt yourself.” He looked at her ankle and offered to help. Please come in. I have ice here.” 

Thank you, Mr. Welton.Ansley nodded and limped off behind Evan into the presidential suite

You can take a rest on the couch.Evan gestured at a place beside the window and walked to the kitchen

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Chapter 773 


  1. 69

Ansley sat down on the couch, casting a wistful glance at the handsome man who bent to take the ice out of the fridge


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