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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 774

In Chapter 774 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 774 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 774 

Ansley took the ice cube that Evan handed over and put it on her ankle. Then she saw Evan walked aside and talked to Minta with his phone

He asked her to come to his room and take care of Ansley

It was not convenient for him to keep other women here. Otherwise, he knew Anya would be angry

Sitting on the sofa, Ansley frowned when she heard their conversation. Is it because Evan knows Anya is coming, so he doesn’t want me to stay with him in the room?She thought

But she planned to stay here today

Ansley heard Evan told Minta to come right away. She lowered her head while rubbing her ankle. She took out her cell phone secretly and sent a text message to Minta. She couldn’t let anyone destroy her plan today

Minta, did Mr. Welton ask you to pick me up?” 

Minta just hung up the call. She was about to pick up her room card and leave the room. Then she received a text message. Minta saw the message from Ansley, and she was surprised that Ansley could read her mind. She replied, Well, yes. I’ll be there right away.” 

Ansley wrote, Minta, no need to bother, I’ve left his room.” 

Minta was surprised. Evan didn’t say so. He said Ansley needed someone to help her go downstairs. Can you get downstairs by yourself? Don’t worry. I’ll be here soon,Minta replied

Ansley scolded Minta in the heart for interrupting her plan. I’m alright, thanks. You don’t need to come over. Mr. Welton is showing his politeness because I am his subordinate. I am going to the restaurant to grab something to eat.” 

Minta didn’t fully believe. Can you go downstairs by yourself?” 

Ansley replied, Yes. Why don’t you go to the restaurant and wait for me?” 

Minta thought for a while and replied, Okay, then I will go to the restaurant. If you really can’t walk, call me right away. We are friends, aren’t we?” 

Ansley sneered when Minta had been fooled. She didn’t want to befriend such a stupid woman

Okay, see you in the restaurant.” 

Minta replied, Okay.” 

Ansley confirmed that Minta would not come over. Then she continued to ice her ankle. Evan stood in the room and checked the contract, trying to figure out the remaining problems

They were doing their things silently

The room was quiet. Evan was focusing on his document without paying much attention to Ansley


10:51 Tue, 30 Apr 0

Chapter 775- 

Time went by slowly

The aphrodisiac diffuser hung around Ainsley’s neck began to work

While Evan was reading the document, he tasted a sweet scent in the air. This scent recalled him. the smell of spring irises after the rain and the sweet ripe peaches

That was very tempting

Evan started to feel dizzy when he tasted this sweet smell, and he couldn’t keep concentration


And his eyes began to blur


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