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Echoes of a Forsaken Heart novel Chapter 179

Hamilton's eyes lit up with a spark of hope.

But before he could bask in the feeling, Natalia's words cut through the air like a knife. "Eveleen committed a crime; she deserves to face the consequences. Why on earth should I break up with Ryan?"

Her words were uttered through gritted teeth, and Hamilton's face instantly soured at the tone.

Before he could respond, he saw Natalia's pale face as she slumped in her seat.

"Natalia!" Hamilton's face was stern as he quickly scooped her up in his arms.

Only then did he notice the cold sweat on her face.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?"

Natalia bore the pain in silence.

Hamilton, however, quickly realized what was happening.

His hand instinctively went to her abdomen.

"Period cramps?"

Almost reflexively, Natalia pushed his hand away.

"Could you get me some painkillers, please? Thanks."

Hamilton's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Even now, she wouldn't let him touch her.

If it wasn't for the painkillers, she probably wouldn't let him anywhere near her.

Hamilton didn't go for the painkillers.

Instead, he carried her out of the room.

She didn't want to be touched; well, he was going to touch her anyway.

"Hamilton, put me down," Natalia said weakly, still in pain.

But Hamilton just carried her towards the exit.

"Open the door. Caspian will handle the paperwork later."

The staff hurried to open the door, not daring to delay, especially when dealing with a man of Hamilton's caliber.

"Mr. Fowler, there's a clinic just outside. You might want to take Ms. Jenkins there," suggested a helpful employee.

Hamilton nodded and proceeded to carry Natalia out of the building.

Natalia lacked the strength to fight back, and, at this point, even if Hamilton had set her down, she wouldn't have been able to walk.

Hamilton carried her into a nearby private clinic where a doctor administered an injection, and Natalia headed for the restroom.

She stayed inside for over ten minutes before she started to feel a bit better, though her body still shivered with chills.

As she emerged, Hamilton was waiting by the door.

"Cold?" he asked.

Before she could answer, he wrapped his arms around her.

Natalia's brows knitted in discomfort.

Seeming to anticipate her protest, Hamilton said, "A hug won't cost you a limb, and besides, I'm only warming you up because you look pitiful."

Natalia scoffed. "Hamilton, do you really think I don't know what you're up to? Let go of me!"

Hamilton's voice turned icy. "What? Afraid of giving Ryan the wrong idea?"

Natalia didn't shy away from the truth.

"Yes. I am afraid of misconceptions. I know too well how it feels when your significant other is getting cozy with someone else. I would never put Ryan through that."

Hamilton felt a pulsing in his temples, his chest tight with frustration. "Natalia, are you telling me you can't move past those things?"

Natalia laughed coldly.

How could she move past it?

The wounds were still raw, the pain still crippling when recalled.

How could she possibly get past it?

But she didn't need to explain any of this to Hamilton. He wouldn't understand—those wounds, that pain, they had never been his to bear.


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