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Echoes of a Forsaken Heart novel Chapter 180

Hamilton squinted his eyes, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. After a long, tense moment, he snorted with derision.

"What the hell does my business with Natalia have to do with you?"

The air crackled with the threat of confrontation. Natalia quickly stepped in front of Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan, why don't you head back to the car?"

Ryan's brow furrowed deeply, and before he could argue, Natalia was already pulling him towards their vehicle. Once Ryan was safely in the car, Natalia turned back to face Hamilton.

"How much do you want? Two hundred's not enough? How about two thousand? Or maybe twenty grand?"

Hamilton's temples throbbed with suppressed anger.

"Nat, do you really think I'm after your money? Or that I need your pity cash?"

Natalia's lips tightened. "Hamilton, I'll clear your name from my blacklist. Just tell me how much your medical bills are, and I'll wire you the money."

With that, she turned and walked back to the car. Hamilton made to follow, but a car suddenly pulled up in front of him. Caspian stepped out and his gaze landed on Natalia.

"You're not looking so great. Go home and get some rest, I've got this."

Natalia nodded, a simple "thanks" to Caspian, and got into the car. As the vehicle pulled away, Hamilton's gaze turned frosty. But there was a silver lining—Natalia was dealing with her monthly visitor. With that thought, Hamilton's mood lightened ever so slightly.

Caspian raised an eyebrow. "Want me to help you with that cut?"

Hamilton shot him a look and without a word, got into his own car. He didn't go home, nor did he head to the office. Instead, he drove straight to a bar. Upon entering, he sat down without uttering a word and started to drown his frustrations in drink.

Meanwhile, back in the car... The atmosphere felt unusually tense to Natalia.

"Sorry," she murmured after a while.

Ryan chuckled lightly. "What are you apologizing for? If anyone should be saying sorry, it's that jerk Hamilton."

Natalia massaged her temples. "But it's because of me you keep getting hassled, Ryan. You shouldn't have to deal with this." And you shouldn't have to be bullied by Hamilton, again and again. Her guilt grew heavier.

Ryan understood what she meant. But the more she felt guilty, the more it meant she didn't really see him as one of her own. He sighed softly.

"Natalia, we're a couple. We're supposed to share the load, right?"

Natalia frowned slightly, then offered a wry smile. "Don't you feel slighted?"

Ryan took her hand gently. "No, being with you is all that matters. I don't feel slighted at all."

Looking at him, Natalia's lips curved into a small smile. "Thank you, Ryan."

He ruffled her hair affectionately. "From now on, no more silly thoughts, okay? As long as we're together, nothing else matters. And as for Hamilton, he'll give up eventually."

Natalia laughed lightly and nodded. Yeah, in time, he surely would give up.

Scarlett was on the night shift, and Ryan stayed at Natalia's house well past midnight, showing no signs of leaving. Natalia could tell he wanted to stay over.

"Ryan, you take my room. I'll crash in Scarlett's."

But Ryan caught her hand. "Natalia, can I kiss you?"

She paused, taken aback. After a moment, she nodded. Just as Ryan leaned in, Natalia's phone rang. Smiling awkwardly at Ryan, she said, "Excuse me, I need to take this."

Ryan tried to hide his disappointment with a smile. "Sure."

Natalia glanced at the caller ID and felt a jolt of irritation. Still, she answered.

"What's up?"

"Hello, are you this gentleman's girlfriend? He's drunk and needs someone to pick him up. Could you come?"


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