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Echoes of a Forsaken Heart novel Chapter 199

Hamilton clutched Debby's borrowed phone, his thumb hovering over the call button with a sense of urgency. The call connected, and he barely got out a "Natalia" before the line went dead.

Staring at the disconnected call, frustration knotted in Hamilton's gut. Was it so bad now that she wouldn't even exchange a word with him?

Turning to the nurse, he asked, "When did she mention moving her mother to Boria City?"

Debby shrugged, "Yesterday. Ms. Jenkins said it's getting unsafe around here, that trouble could come knocking any minute. And between you and me, whoever's giving her grief must be off their rocker. Ms. Jenkins is such a sweet girl; who could stand being talked to like that?”

A pang of something—guilt, regret—twisted in Hamilton's chest.

He handed the phone back to Debby. "She didn't come by today?"

Debby shook her head. "Ms. Jenkins is tied up with other things. Just yesterday, after hours, some Mr. Cheng came looking for her, talking about work. But if you ask me, the guy had eyes only for Ms. Jenkins. I bet he's got a thing for her."

Hamilton feigned confidence. "Don't worry, Natalia wouldn't give him the time of day."

Debby wasn't buying it. "Looks to me like it's you she's not giving the time of day. You can't even get through to her without using my phone."

"I'm not barred from calling her. I just wanted to surprise her!" Hamilton blurted out, a touch too defensively.

Debby rolled her eyes. "Quit the act. I know for a fact she's blocked you. You might as well give up. It's clear as day she can’t stand you."

With no desire to prolong the conversation, Hamilton turned on his heel and left the hospital.

His next stop was Ron Group, but Natalia was a no-show. Ronin was the one who greeted him.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Fowler. What brings you to our humble abode?"

Hamilton was blunt. "Where's Natalia?"

Ronin's smile didn't reach his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not inclined to tell you that."

Hamilton's expression darkened. "Listen, Ronin. You and your Ron Group haven't exactly set roots in Silkwood City."

Ronin nodded sagely. "But with Natalia with us, I'm sure we'll flourish here soon enough."

Hamilton's laughter was cold and brief. "If that's your angle for getting close to her, just know this: Hurt her, and I'll wipe your Ron Group off the map."

Departing with a final glare, Hamilton left Ron Group. Behind him, Mason emerged from an office.

Ronin approached, his voice low. "Mason, did you hear that? Don't even think about pulling any shady moves on Natalia."

Mason's face twisted in anger. "Get lost!"

Outside the company, Hamilton was about to step into his car when a voice called out.

"Mr. Fowler."

He turned to find Tess standing at the entrance of Ron Group.

Hamilton raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Switching sides to Ron Group, Tess?"

Tess had quit Ivy Gemstone shortly after Natalia's departure and had joined Ron Group just days ago.

"Yeah, I decided to join the boss here."

Hamilton nodded. "And the boss isn't in today?"

Tess blinked innocently. "She mentioned something about a meeting in Boria City."

Hamilton paused, his mind racing. "Boria City? Today?"

"That's right."

With a curt nod, Hamilton tossed his cigarette in the trash and strode to his car.

Natalia was indeed headed to Boria City. She had just finished packing her car when she saw Patrick waiting for her.

Her step faltered for a split second before she ignored him, loading her luggage into the trunk, ready to leave.

Patrick hurried after her. "Natalia, can we talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

Patrick's expression soured. "Natalia, Eveleen's been committed. Her career's over!"

Natalia's response was icy. "What's that got to do with me?"

"She's your sister. Don't you care at all? Look, it's just us now. Think of our father, at least forgive her this once. If she gets out, I'll send her abroad, far from you. Please, just this once. If you forgive her, I'll let you return to the family name."

The offer was laced with condescension, but Natalia couldn't have cared less about reclaiming any family name.

"Patrick, I grew up without a father or a sister. Stop showing up in front of me, it's disgusting!"

"Please, Natalia. You could even talk to Hamilton about it."

Chapter 199 1

Chapter 199 2


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