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Echoes of a Forsaken Heart novel Chapter 200

Natalia laid eyes on Delia for the very first time. A woman in her seventies, her hair a crown of silver, carried a spirit that defied her years. Her eyes, even at this age, sparkled with a clarity that was arresting.

Dawson seemed to feel the gaze upon him and paused, casting a look their way. Noticing, Delia also turned, her gaze settling on Natalia's face. For a moment, her expression wavered into a distant haze, as if she were seeing a ghost of someone else.

It wasn’t until Dawson beckoned to her that she snapped back to the present. “Ms. Delia, this here is Natalia, Ms. Jenkins. Caspian has mentioned her to you before, I believe.”

Delia’s face broke into a warm smile. “Natalia, I've heard a lot about you from Caspian. I’ve been meaning to meet you sooner; can’t believe it took us this long.”

Her eyes lingered on Natalia’s face, as if through her she could see someone else, filled with a poignant nostalgia. For an instant, there was even a sour twinge at the tip of her nose. She hadn’t believed others when they said there was a resemblance. Now, seeing Natalia in person, she knew it was true. Her daughter had also been so beautiful, so talented, and yet...

Natalia’s lips curved up. “Ms. Delia, it’s wonderful to meet you. You’re even more radiant in person than on TV.”

Delia chuckled at the compliment. “You’re quite the looker yourself, my dear. You must come over for dinner sometime; I’ll whip up something delightful.” As she spoke, Delia felt the familiar sting at her nose once again.

Natalia nodded, “I’d like that very much. I’ll make sure to find the time.”

Dawson watched the exchange with a soft grin. “Alright, Ms. Delia, let's let them get on with their day. Natalia's the main translator for the summit; she's got her hands full.”

Delia blinked, “Oh, is that so? Well, you better get to it then. We’ll catch up another time.”

Indeed, Natalia was swamped with work. After a brief exchange, she and Collin headed back to the conference.

Delia watched her leave, still somewhat dazed. “Dawson, do you think she might be…”

Dawson’s chuckle interrupted her thoughts. “Ms. Delia, I checked. She doesn’t even know Liliana.”

A flash of disappointment flickered across Delia’s eyes. “Yes, she wouldn’t know Liliana. Where could my Liliana be now?”

After parting ways with Delia, Natalia followed Collin to the venue. They spent the better half of the day there, and by the time they left, night had fallen completely. A full moon hung low in the sky, prompting Natalia to remember that today was the Lantern Festival.

“You’ve spent the whole day with an old man like me on a holiday. You must be bored out of your mind,” Collin said with a hint of guilt.

Natalia laughed lightly, “Mr. Collin, I never celebrate holidays.”

Collin looked at her, surprised. “What’s a young girl like you talking about? Not celebrating?”

Natalia smiled but didn’t reply, her eyes betraying a touch of sadness.

Collin noticed the change in her demeanor and frowned slightly. “Sitting alone in a hotel room is no way to spend the evening. How about we join a banquet? It’s mostly families from the Foreign Service, could be good for you to mingle.”

Natalia was about to decline when she turned and saw Hamilton standing not too far away. Dressed in black, he seemed to blend into the night, and it was unclear how long he had been there. Her smile vanished instantly.

Hamilton had been absent from her life for days. But she had been bombarded with news about him. Hamilton pulling his investment from the Schafer family, Hamilton canceling Eveleen’s endorsement, Hamilton suing those who had insulted her, Hamilton committing Eveleen to a psychiatric facility. Every action of Hamilton’s seemed to reach her ears, intentional or not. Yet Natalia felt indifferent. Some wounds, even when healed, leave scars that no amount of surface-level amends can erase.

“Alright, I’ll come with you,” Natalia changed her mind. Facing Hamilton, she’d rather be at a gathering full of strangers.

Hamilton watched all the subtle shifts on Natalia’s face from a distance. She had been smiling a moment ago, but the instant she saw him, that smile disappeared. He couldn’t quite describe what he felt at that moment. It was as if, without knowing when, he’d gone from being the man she adored to someone who couldn’t even coax a smile from her.

Hamilton indeed regretted his past cruelty. He regretted not realizing sooner that the woman who had always been by his side was the one who truly cared for him. Now that he knew, it was too late.

After Natalia left with Collin, Hamilton followed in his car. He could tell she was avoiding him, but he was determined not to give up. He wanted Natalia, and only Natalia.

Chapter 200 1

Chapter 200 2


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