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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 

Just as I expected, I didn’t sweat it

I mean, Cecilia’d just got that golden touch, didn’t she

But what I didn’t see coming was this, walking into the office on Monday, the first thing I spot is Cecilia, decked out in her fancyschmancy coat, chitchatting away with Zora

She was flaunting that thing like it was her latest trophy, all smiles, going. After the discount, it still cost me a whopping more than one grand. I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it, but Hogan thought it looked fab on me and just went ahead and paid for it without so much as a by your leave. No chance for returns now!” 

Zora’s all googlyeyed, Oh my gosh, where do you even find a Mr. Zade who’s both hot and loaded like that? Come on, God, give us a break!” 

I couldn’t help but give Cecilia a second glance

I mean, no offense, but I was not exactly on board with Hogan’s taste

Cecilia was petite and cute, right? Sweet and sugary or y2k style would suit her best. But wrapped up in that coat, coupled with her pityme face, she looked kinda out of place

But hey, who am I to argue when Hogan’s rolling in dough

Look who’s here. Xaviera,Cecilia chirped when she saw me, all bubbly, saying. I meant to call you last night to apologize, but it was late and I didn’t want to disturb your beauty sleep.” 

I was clueless, Apologize for what?” 

Cecilia twirled the belt of her coat, all sheepish, About the whole coat situation, I actually felt pretty bad.” 

Sure, she said she was sorry, but look at her, strutting into the office in that coat like it was no big deal

I cracked a smile, You’re thinking too much, Director Irwin. There’s plenty more where that came from in the stores. Just pick another one.” 

Same went for guys

Out of nowhere, Wallis popped up, gave Cecilia the onceover, and went, when did you switch up your style, Director Irwin?” 

Cecilia, all pleased with herself, glanced at her coat’s collar, ready to respond, but then Wallis dropped another one, You know, the sweet look suits you better. This one’s aging you.” 

Cecilia’s smile froze right on her face

Back in the office, I took a peek at Wallis and quipped, A cashmere coat worth over one grand just turned into street market goods in your book.” 

Chapter 76 

Wallis let out a chuckle. Don’t forget, I used to be part of the bluebloods.” 

True that. Walliswardrobe might not be fresh off the runway, but any random piece could buy Cecilia seven or eight of those coats

Put it that way, and Hogan didn’t seem all that generous after all

Suddenly, I didn’t feel so choked up about it

But then, in the afternoon, I got a call from Hilary

Hey Xaviera, I just happened to be near your office. Wanna grab a coffee?” 

She sounded all nice and friendly

But I could tell there was more to it than just coffee

Knowing I couldn’t dodge her forever, I took her up on the offer


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