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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

Hilary lifted her mug, took a delicate sip, and said, I didn’t recognize your uncle for a moment at the mall yesterday.” 

Right then, a lightbulb went off in my head, and my heart sank

I guessed our recent okayish interactions almost made me forget that we were never on the same side of the fence

Xaviera, I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just saying, since we’re all in Rivertown, if there’s anything I can help with.” 

Mrs. Hilary.I cut Hilary off, my tone a tad frosty. Sorry, I’ve got to get back to work

Hilary will probably never get it we might be broke, but we don’t need her cheap pity

After circling the block downstairs, I headed back to the office, and just my luck. I ran into Hogan right by the elevator

The man had a frown, his jawline was tense, and he was radiating major bad vibes, looking like he was in a foul mood.. 

At this time. I bet he was here to pick up Cecilia from work, no clue what kind of tantrum Mr. Zade was throwing now

These two, mother and son, really knew how to give me a hard time

I had to bite the bullet and say hi, and Hogan just gave a noncommittal grunt without event looking me in the eye clearly not in the mood to deal with me


In the elevator, I took the hint and stood behind him to the right, turning myself into part of the background

Neither of us initiated any conversation

Just when I thought I’d get a moment of peace, the guy in front suddenly asked. Doesn’t it 

gross you out?” 

His outoftheblue question threw me for a loop, and I was at a loss for words

Seeing my silence, Hogan pressed on, Flirting with other guys in a room you’ve shared with an ex, doesn’t it gross you out?” 

His voice was faint, but it felt like an invisible slap across the face, leaving me speechless and rooted to the spot like a block of wood

But it didn’t take long for me to catch the gist of his words

Hogan was accusing me of flirting with men, and in that apartment we shared, no less


So it wasn’t hard to figure out that he must have accidentally seen Darren dropping me off last 


Cecilia lived upstairs, so a chance encounter made sense, and I guessed Hogan had gotten the wrong idea about me and Darren

In the past, I might have tried to explain, but right now, it felt like an invisible hand was squeezing my heart, making it hard to breathe


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