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Enchanted Nightfall: Falling for Destiny ( Quintessa and Tyrone ) novel Chapter 147

The room fell silent, as people around choked on their responses. The conversation had taken a nosedive, but what could they do? The guy was loaded, so he could play by his own rules!

Kevin chimed in, "By the way, did the lead for 'Whispers in the Wind' get recast?"

The producer was quick to respond, "Of course not, it's still Quintessa Young."

Tyrone drawled lazily, "Oh, it's still Quintessa, huh? Thought she might've been replaced."

The producer hastened to assure him, "Not a chance. Mr. York personally requested Ms. Young; we wouldn't dare make a switch."

A smirk curled at the corner of Tyrone's lips, "Really? Didn't dare, you say? Then why the hell isn't Quintessa's name on the launch party invites?"

The creative team got the picture in a flash. No wonder Mr. Tyrone York had called them out for drinks — this was an inquisition. And here they were, thinking they were just waiting around for a casual chat. Turns out, he was here to stir up trouble.

What puzzled them was how the tycoon had gotten wind of the situation so quickly.

The producer was in a panic, but as a showbiz veteran, he could think on his feet. He quickly offered, "Well, you see, Ms. Young's a newcomer. Announcing her too early might not sit well with the public. We figured we'd not bring her into the spotlight till the movie's in full swing, better to keep a bit of mystery around her."

Tyrone scoffed. As a businessman, he'd seen it all. These folks clearly wanted to snag a hefty sponsorship without the stigma of selling out. They feared the press would sniff out a deal behind casting a greenhorn, which might tarnish the film's reputation.

Basically, they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, but life doesn't work that way.

Tyrone cut to the chase, "Don't play me for a fool. I'm putting my money on Quintessa. You treat her like she's invisible, like I'm invisible. What, you think I'm dead or something?"

The producer and director went pale, while Quennel kept quiet, nursing his drink.

Trying to keep his dignity, the producer explained, "Mr. York, perhaps you've misunderstood. We're aiming to safeguard the film's prestige and box office success. This strategy is also for a more effective marketing push later on."

Tyrone's lips curled into a sneer, and Kevin let out a dry laugh, "I think you've got it twisted. The York Financial Group is just having a bit of fun with this investment. We don't give a damn about box office numbers. What matters to us is that you take our recommendations seriously. If your attitude stinks, we don't need to waste any more time with your production."

Kevin was laying out Tyrone's cards on the table.

Put simply: Money's no object for me. There's plenty of fish in the film-making sea. If you don't play ball with Quintessa, I can pull my funding and go elsewhere. I'm rich enough to do as I please.

Those words tightened the producer's gut. They might have looked down on Quintessa, thinking she was just some actress making it big off a guy's back. But no matter what, they couldn't afford to lose the York Financial Group's support, not when filming was about to commence.

The producer quickly backtracked, "Our bad, we didn't think it through. Rest assured, we'll make sure Ms. Young makes a stunning appearance at the press event."


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