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Enchanted Nightfall: Falling for Destiny ( Quintessa and Tyrone ) novel Chapter 358

Tyrone lounged around in bed with her for a while before finally getting up to freshen up.

After having the breakfast Tyrone had brought over, Quintessa said, “Let’s go.”

On their way, Tyrone filled Quintessa in on the Yates family. “Today, Lilian got bailed out. She’s definitely going to be picked up by someone from the Yates family. The Yates family has always had a bad reputation. The distinguished families like Emberbrook don’t want much involvement with them. were involved in organized crime in the early days and were suppressed. Later on, they whitewashed their image and started engaging in import and export trades. Barely qualifies them as respectable businessmen, I guess.”

When Tyrone mentioned the Yates family, Quintessa clearly sensed his disdain. It seemed she had no respect for the Yates family.

“The head of the Yates family is Lilian’s cousin. These days, the family tree has spread wide, with its fair share of good-for-nothings. Lilian’s father is still around, but her mother passed away. She has a brother who got involved in some criminal activities and fled the country, and hasn’t been back since. Her father’s been edged out of the power circle in the Yates family. Honestly, Lilian doesn’t hold much sway there anymore.”

“But that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to deal with Lilian. You still need to watch whose toes you’re stepping on. And the current Yates family has a…” Tyrone trailed off, hesitating before deciding not to continue.

Quintessa was curious, “Has a what?”

Tyrone ruffled her hair, “Nothing. You’re unlikely to cross paths with this person.”

Quintessa had been with the Young family for many years, yet she had never visited the Yates family. During holidays, Lilian would take Miranda and her brother out but never included Quintessa. And the Yates family never paid visits to the Youngs, so her knowledge about them was quite limited.

She was meeting Lilian today to prevent Sean from pulling Lilian over to his side. It was crucial to divide them beforehand, to prevent them from reconciling, which would make them much harder to deal with.

As the car stopped at the detention center, Quintessa’s eyes were immediately drawn to a sleek black Bentley, silently parked under the sun, its emblem gleaming metallically.


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