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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 804

Olivia looked at her watch.

Logan would usually bring her some fruits at this hour.

Where was he? She could see raindrops falling on the window under the dim yellow lights.

It was raining.

Olivia hated the rain.

As she lied in bed, she had no desire to sleep at all.

So she put on some headphones and tried to space out.

After a while, she abruptly opened her eyes when the ship started to violently tremble.

Something was wrong! Was it pirates? Olivia quickly took off her headphones.

She started to hear the chaos happening outside.

Something was very wrong.

Olivia was a cautious person.

Since she didn't know what was going on, she didn't dare to run around aimlessly.

So she stayed put and waited for Logan to come to her.

But Logan didn't come rushing in like she thought he would.

Unable to suppress the anxiety anymore, Olivia decided to get out of her room.

Her attention wasn't drawn to the ship's burning parts.

Instead, a child's voice attracted her gaze.

"Help!" It was the voice of a very young child.

Where did he come from? Olivia's maternal instincts took over.

She didn't care whose child it was, nor did she care if it was a trap.

She started to run toward the voice.

When she turned the corner, she saw a little boy holding onto a tiny hand.

Upon closer inspection, she saw a little girl dangling outside the railing.

Olivia was horrified.

She started to run toward the children with reckless disregard for her own health.

At that moment, Zack had already exhausted all his strength, but he was still unable to pull Alicia to safety.


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