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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 805

Olivia felt her blood freeze in her veins when Alicia fell.

How could that happen? She was about to pull Alicia to safety.

Why was Fate so cruel to her? Then, the little boy beside her let out a heart-wrenching scream, " Alicia!” Olivia turned to look at the boy.

She was stunned by his face, which resembled her own.

A thought crept into Olivia's mind and she had to confirm her suspicions.

When the thought appeared, Olivia could no longer stop herself.

She climbed over the railing and jumped.

Her mind was filled with memories of three years ago when she was looking at the ultrasound images of the babies in her womb.

She had a boy and a girl in there.

The girl looked like Ethan.

She was active and loved to smile.

On the other hand, the boy's features resembled hers and he was well- behaved.

Were these her kids? Olivia didn't even have the time to bask in the joy of being reunited with her children.

She was too consumed by the pain of seeing her baby girl fall into the sea.

So she went after Alicia without regard for herself.

"Baby, I've missed you so much.

You have to be alright.” she thought.

The sound of both of them falling into the water was barely noticeable in the chaos.

Logan rushed to Olivia's room as soon as the pirates fired the first shot.

He opened the door and the howling winds rushed into the room.

There was no one there.

Did something happen to her? Logan's expression turned grave.

Then, he heard the cries of a terrified child when he got to the corner.

He followed the voice and saw a boy sitting on the floor with a cloth bundle tied around his neck.

“What happened here?" he asked.

Zack was crying.

He stuttered and said, "Ali-Alicia, mi-miss ...

Se- Sea." Logan felt like he understood, but not entirely.

He quickly asked, "Did you see a woman who was about this height, pale, and slender? She doesn't have any hair on her head." Zack nodded frantically as he pointed to the sea.


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