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Every Breath You Take novel Chapter 109

Quarmy fell asleep, but Monica was thinking quietly. Why did Quarmy ask such a strange question? Why did he ask about her mother? What did he want to know? Or did he already know something?

Since she was young, her mother had been reluctant to mention her grandmother. Her mother had always casually said that her grandmother was dead. But why was there no grave of her grandma?

Was her mother lying? Was her grandma not dead? Did Quarmy know something? But what did this matter have to do with him? After her mother died, her uncle became her only relative. Only her uncle knew about these things. Monica decided to go back and ask Xanjer.

The next day, Monica went to Xanjer's place. After chatting for a while, she asked, "Uncle, I have a question. Are you and Mom the only kids of Grandma?"

Xanjer was stunned and nodded.

"I heard from my mother that my grandparents died when you were very young. You and my mother were raised by a kind person. However, when my mother and I went to pay respect for the dead, why didn't I see Grandma's grave?"

Xanjer was silent. Seeing that, Monica asked tentatively, "Is Grandma still alive?"

Xanjer shook his head. "She's dead." "Then why don't they bury her next to my grandfather?"

"Well... because... because she married someone else."

"Grandma remarried? Who?"

"It seems that she was married to a man surnamed Xi. At that time, your mother and I were very young. Later, you mother moved away, so we are not very clear about the specifics."

Monica understood. It turned out that Grandma abandoned her young kids and remarried after Grandpa's death. That was why her mother hated her grandma so much. "How can Grandma be so cruel?"

Xanjer wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it. If he put in a good word for his stepmother, Monica would certainly keep asking. In this way, this matter would be more troublesome. But he didn't want Monica to misunderstand his stepmother. In fact, his stepmother was a good woman, and she was actually forced to abandon her kids!

Noticing his silence, Monica asked again, "Grandma must have had children after she remarried, right? So, in fact, I have other relatives in this world?"

"Moni, do you want to have other relatives?"

"Of course. Having a relative is better than being alone and helpless. Uncle, do you want to find the other children of Grandma?"

"I don't know, maybe!" Xanjer looked at the time. "It's almost noon. I'm going to buy vegetables. What do you want to eat today?" "I'll go with you."

"There's no need. You can stay at home. I will be back soon." Xanjer left in a hurry. Monica felt a bit strange.

Xanjer went out of the room and frowned. As expected, he couldn't keep this a secret forever. Monica must have heard something.

Should he tell Monica the truth? If she knew that he was not Xanjer, what would she do?

What mattered was not his identity, but Eva's threat. Although Eva was his half-sister, she was a vicious woman. If she talked nonsense to Monica and smeared Hannah, what should he do?

Things didn't occur as he wished. He only wanted to live a peaceful life, but he was not allowed to do so. Xanjer sighed deeply. No matter what, he had to find a way to solve it. If he couldn't, then he would leave Jiang City with Monica!

Since Quarmy quarreled with his mother that day, he had never returned home. Nor did he make a phone call to Jenny.

His heartlessness made Jenny very angry. Did her son want to abandon her? Her filial son was really deeply influenced by Monica. She must not let that b*tch be her daughter-in-law again, so she agreed with Eva's suggestion.

She did this not only because of the sports meeting project, but also to make Monica sad. She wanted Monica to know the consequences of going against her.

The next day was Jenny's birthday. Every year Quarmy would prepare for her birthday in advance, but this year he didn't say anything at all. Did Quarmy forget her birthday? Jenny was so angry that she asked Lassie to remind Quarmy.

Quarmy promised to come back the next day, Jenny was relieved. She called Madrigal and asked her to come over for dinner the next night. She also invited several good friends.

Quarmy told Monica in advance that he would not have dinner at home the next night. He would go back to the Huo Family to celebrate his mother's birthday.

Monica didn't say anything. Quarmy had planned to take her home for dinner, but when he saw her unconcerned look, he had to give up.

Monica was no longer the former Monica. She would definitely not put up with Jenny like she used to. Although Jenny would not embarrass Monica in front of the guests, she would definitely say something unpleasant. He could do nothing about it. Therefore, he'd better not take Monica home this time.

When Quarmy returned to the Huo Family, the guests were all here. Madrigal also came. When Quarmy saw Madrigal, he frowned slightly.

She refused to meet him everyday, but she actually came here to celebrate his mother's birthday. Quarmy couldn't help but feel a little disgusted with Madrigal.

Madrigal quickly explained, "Dad is discharged from the hospital today."

This was to explain why she was here. Quarmy felt better after hearing that. Since Zoe had been discharged from the hospital, Madrigal had no reason to refuse to meet him. He had to find a chance to talk to her and Zoe.

The dinner was a family banquet. The guests were Jenny's best friends. When they saw Madrigal, everyone showed a knowing smile. This meal was so happy. Because it was Jenny's birthday, Jenny drank a lot. In the end, she said that she couldn't drink more, so she asked Quarmy to toast others for her.

Quarmy agreed. During the meal, he also drank a lot. Although the wine was not strong, he still felt a headache. After the banquet, except Eva and Madrigal, all guests left. Seeing that he was drunk, Jenny asked him to go back to his room to rest and gave Madrigal a wink. Madrigal's heart was pounding happily. It was a perfect opportunity for her. Thinking of what would happen later, she couldn't help but blush a little.

Quarmy staggered upstairs. After a while, Jenny motioned Lassie to prepare the sobering soup. She asked Eva in a low voice, "Is that drug harmful to his body?"

"No, it's just an aphrodisiac. Didn't you say that Quarmy was not interested in other women? With my drug, he has to be interested." Eva also lowered her voice.

Lassie brought the sobering soup out. Jenny went to her son's room with the soup. Quarmy heard the sound and opened his eyes. Jenny went to the bedside and handed the soup to him. "Quarmy, it's for you."

Quarmy didn't say a word and drank it up. Seeing that, Jenny left his room with satisfaction.

"Did he drink it?" Eva asked anxiously.


"Madrigal, go upstairs in about ten minutes." Eva looked at Madrigal. Madrigal blushed and lowered her head to sit on the sofa. Jenny and Eva sat beside her and taught her what to do next.

While they were talking, the sound of a car came from outside. Soon the door was pushed open. Quarmy's special assistant, Noah, strode in. He greeted several women in the living room politely. "I'm here to pick up Mr. Huo."

"What?" Jenny felt that things were going to be out of control, so she hurriedly got up to stop Noah. "Quarmy is drunk. Don't disturb him, let him rest."

"I'm sorry, Madam. I have to take Mr. Huo away." Noah's attitude was neither humble nor pushy.

"I said no! Quarmy must stay here tonight. You should leave now. If he blames you, I will take the responsibility." Jenny was unhappy.

"I'm sorry, Madam. I'm Mr. Huo's assistant. I only listen to him."

"You're just Quarmy's assistant. To put it nicely, you're an assistant. To put it bluntly, you're just a servant. What right do you have to refute me?" Jenny was annoyed by Noah's lack of respect.

Noah smiled faintly. He was not angry at all. "Madam, you're right. I am indeed a servant hired by Mr. Huo, but I am only loyal to my master. Madam is not my master, so I can't listen to you!" After that, he went upstairs. Seeing that, Jenny was anxious and reached out to stop him. "This is my home. Did I agree with you to go upstairs?"

"I agree!" A cold voice sounded. The people downstairs looked up and saw Quarmy stand on the second floor and looked at them condescendingly.

"Quarmy, it's not easy for you to come back once. Can't you stay at home for a night?"

"No!" Quarmy staggered downstairs. Noah immediately went up to help him. "Mr. Huo, are you all right?"

"Nothing will happen when you are here." Quarmy replied.

Seeing Noah holding Quarmy down the stairs, Jenny and Eva looked at each other. They knew that today's plan would not succeed. Jenny was both annoyed and anxious. "Quarmy, today is my birthday. Are you going to leave me alone at home?"


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