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Every Breath You Take novel Chapter 133

Yale's viciousness made Quarmy very worried about Monica's safety. Since Yale could deal with his mother, she would definitely do something to Monica. He had to tell Monica about this and let Monica be more careful.

Quarmy went to see Monica and told her about Yale and Uriah. Monica was very shocked. She knew that Yale was undoubtedly a morally corrupt person. However, she never thought that Yale would be so vicious.

"This woman is too vicious. Call the police and arrest her immediately." Monica was angry and worried.

Quarmy shook his head and said, "We can't call the police! It's too good for them."

"What do you want to do?"

"Return like for like!" Quarmy sneered, "They did so much to set us up. It would be too easy for them if we just put them in jail. I'm going to show them what it's like to be set up."

Jenny's life was in danger. He was mentally and physically exhausted, while those who set them up were living a free and unfettered life. Send them to jail could not change anything. Quarmy felt that to let them suffer was not to let them die, but to let them suffer both physical and mental torture. He wanted them to live a life worse than death.

Therefore, he would not just send them to jail. Monica understood Quarmy's pain. "What can I do for you?"

"You only need to take good care of yourself and Coco, which is the greatest help for me. In order to prevent them from hurting you, I have arranged several bodyguards for you. They will protect you when you go out."

"No, it will make me uncomfortable." Monica shook her head. She didn't like to be followed.

"No, you must listen to me this time. Yale is a vicious person. If she wants to deal with you, the consequences will be unimaginable." Quarmy insisted. "I will let them try not to attract your attention. I tell you this because I was afraid you'd think they were the bad guys."

"Okay." Monica had no choice but to agree. She was pregnant now, so she rarely went out. Except for going to the hospital with Coco, she would stay at home. It seemed that bodyguards would not affect her life.

"Don't tell anyone what I told you today, lest they ruin my plan." Quarmy reminded her.

"Can I tell it to my uncle?"

"No, you're the only one who knows about this."

When Roland was planning to tell Monica about Yale's affair, Beck came. He had been investigating the man who was injured by Roland in the restaurant before. He told Roland that the man was the owner of a bar. His name was Carl. One of the two women was his wife and the other was his mistress.

"I see. But didn't you say that they looked like good friends? That's really strange. Since they get along with each other, why did they make a scene in the restaurant?" Roland was puzzled.

"I also felt strange, so I carefully investigated Carl. I found that Carl used to be a gangster who had done a lot of bad things. Two years ago, he opened a bar and he has been clean since then."

"Does this mean that we suspect the wrong person?" Roland frowned and said, "Forget it. Let's talk about it later."

He gave the photo of Uriah to Beck. "This person has a special relationship with Mayor Jane's wife. You'd better keep an eye on him. Try to get the photos of them being together."

Beck took the photo and looked at it in surprise. "Why is it him?"

"Do you know him?"

"His name is Uriah Wen. He and Carl used to be gangsters. Now the two of them are doing business..."

"What did you say?" Roland stood up all of a sudden. Associated with Yale's ambiguous relationship with Uriah, something became obvious.

Roland went to his villa at night and immediately told Monica about Yale's affair with Uriah. Monica had heard the story from Quarmy, so she was not surprised. However, Quarmy said that Yale and Uriah were in cahoots, while Roland said that Yale had an affair with Uriah. She had to discuss it with Quarmy.

Monica was calm, but Summer was very excited. "I knew it! I have to tell Mayor Jane about it immediately and let him see Yale's true color!"

"No!" Monica stopped her. If Summer did so, it would ruin Quarmy's plan, wouldn't it? "We don't have any proof that she cheated on Zoe."

"Are you afraid that Zoe won't believe it?" Summer sneered. "Men hate being cheated on the most. If Zoe heard this news, he would never believe that Yale was innocent even if she had no affair."

"In fact, I'm not afraid that he won't believe me. I just don't want him to regret! After all, it's unbearable to anyone." Monica shook her head. Zoe would certainly not tolerate his woman's cheating, and Yale was not easy to deal with. As long as she heard the news, she would find a way to save herself. In that way, things would be more troublesome. Of course, Monica not only did not want to ruin Quarmy's plan, but also didn't want to hurt Zoe.

After all, Zoe was her father. She had no reason to let Zoe endure such humiliation at such an old age.

"Everyone should be responsible for what they did. This is retribution. Yale shamelessly seduced her best friend's husband, so she should be punished." Summer insisted.

"Summer, I don't want to have anything to do with them at all. I have my own life, so I won't revenge. Otherwise, I won't be happy."

"I knew you would say that. What a pity." Summer curled her lips. Xanjer interrupted, "We can't live with hatred, otherwise we will be unhappy. I support Moni!"

"Uncle!" Summer stamped her feet. She thought that Xanjer would help her persuade Monica, but she was wrong.

"Life is short, so there is no need to suffer from other people's mistakes. Zoe's life has nothing to do with us. Whether Yale has an affair or she has done something illegal, it has nothing to do with us. We'd better not get involved in it."

Hearing that, Summer and Roland had to give up.

After dinner, Roland said that he wanted to go to a bar, and asked Summer if she wanted to go with him. Roland had never invited Summer to drink. Summer felt that he had something to say, so she went out with him.

However, Roland did not say anything to her. Instead, he took her to a remote bar.

The bar was not a fancy bar, and the atmosphere was very bad. Summer felt strange. Roland had always been used to going to high-end places. Why did he suddenly come to such a bar?

After drinking a bit, Summer started to complain, "I'm so angry! Why is Moni so stupid? This is obviously a good opportunity to deal with Yale, why does she give it up? Besides, I really suspect that Xanjer is not Moni's biological uncle. Why can he still be calm after seeing his niece being bullied?"

Roland smiled and said, "Calm down. They have their own reasons. Xanjer just wants Monica to live a simple and happy life. In fact, he is right. If he had been scolding Zoe and Yale, Monica might not have become a kind person. She would have hated Zoe to the extreme. Now, Monica is full of enthusiasm and hope for life. It's partly because of Xanjer." "You've changed your mind, haven't you? So you're not going to deal with that b*tch and her daughter?" Summer was very disappointed.

"If Yale felt regret for what she did, I would consider letting her go. Obviously, she doesn't." Roland sneered. "Do you still remember what happened in the restaurant that day?"

"Yes." Summer felt a little embarrassed. "Thank you so much."

"No, that's not what I want to say. Look over there, do they look familiar to you?"

"Isn't that woman a mistress?" Summer recognized the woman.

"Yes. Look over there." Roland pointed at the other side. Summer looked over and saw the beaten man and his wife, who were talking to each other.

"What's going on? Did they make up?" Summer was confused and looked at the mistress not far away. They didn't have to make up in front of the mistress.

"That man is the owner of this bar, his wife is the boss's wife, and his mistress is the waiter here." Roland explained.


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