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Every Breath You Take novel Chapter 136

Quarmy was determined to let Madrigal give birth to the babies. He told Monica all this because he didn't want Monica to misunderstand his attitude towards Madrigal. In order to let Madrigal and Yale believe that he really cared about Madrigal's babies, not long after Madrigal went home, he ordered Noah to send gifts to the Jane family.

Madrigal was lying on the bed and talking to Yale about Quarmy. Yale's face changed after hearing that Quarmy accompanied Madrigal to have a prenatal examination and asked Madrigal to do an amniocentesis.

Quarmy's attitude changed too much. When Madrigal was just pregnant, he gritted his teeth and said that he would kill her babies. Would he take the opportunity to do something to the babies at this time?

Yale told Eva about her worries and planned to send Madrigal to Eva's hospital. Eva was anxious after she heard that, so she asked Yale to send Madrigal over immediately. At this time, the doorbell rang. Noah appeared with a lot of gifts. "Mr. Huo asked me to send them here. He said that it could nourish Miss Jane."

Yale looked at the high- grade tonics and was surprised. What did Quarmy want to do? Noah was Quarmy's most trusted subordinate. His attitude was Quarmy's attitude. Yale was a little relieved. Maybe she was just too nervous, but she still had to go to Eva's hospital.

Eva hung up the phone and immediately called Madrigal's doctor. The doctor asked her colleagues and learned that Madrigal's amniotic fluid had been sent to the laboratory for a test.

Eva was still not reassured. She had to do a checkup for Madrigal in person. Madrigal was sent to Eva's hospital by Yale. Eva immediately checked Madrigal out. It showed that Madrigal's babies were all right. Eva and Yale were all relieved.

Madrigal asked Eva to check the gender of the her babies. Eva said that she could not see it clearly, just like what Madrigal's doctor said before.

"As long as your babies are healthy, everything will be fine. Don't worry about the gender." Eva comforted her.

"How can I not worry? Quarmy said that he wanted two boys or boy-girl twins, or the Huo family would have no heir."

"Did he really say that?" Eva and Yale looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"Yes, so I'm worried about the gender. What if they are two girls?" Madrigal frowned bitterly. "Monica is pregnant now, and she already has a son. What if she gives birth to another son? Girls will definitely not be able to compete with boys."

"I don't think they are girls." Eva was a little uncertain about what she said.

Yale became anxious when she heard that. If Madrigal was pregnant with two girls, she would not be able to get Quarmy's money. "Do you have any other ways to know the gender?" "Yes, the doctor said that my condition was suitable for amniocentesis and blood examination." Madrigal replied.

"Then we'll wait for a few days. Isn't your amniotic fluid being tested? I'll ask your doctor to pay attention to the result."

"No, you don't understand what I mean. Quarmy will know the result earlier than me. What should I do if it shows that my babies are girls?" Madrigal added, "I have to know the result first."

"Then you can take a blood test first. You can get the result after about two days." Eva also knew that this was a big matter, so she immediately arranged a blood test for Madrigal.

Two days later, the result came out. Madrigal's babies were two boys. Hearing this, Madrigal was completely relieved. With two boys and Quarmy's love, Monica would definitely lose to her.

Madrigal was relieved, but Eva was not. Although Quarmy and Monica broke up, Monica's children was still Quarmy's. Monica's children would be a trouble for Madrigal. Eva decided to let Monica leave this city so that Quarmy would never see her again.

Eva went to Francisco again and told him how sweet Quarmy was to Madrigal. "Quarmy loves Madrigal now, and he has no feelings for Monica. I'm here because I am worried that he will rob Monica's children. We are all Monica's relatives, so we should do what's best for her. If Quarmy really takes Coco away after Coco recovers, how sad will Monica be? I think you should think of a way to prevent it." "Do you have any good ideas?" Francisco asked.

"I mean, you'd better leave Jiang City with Monica and her children. As long as Quarmy can't find you, you can avoid these things."

Francisco looked at Eva's face and really wanted to slap her in the face. Did Eva think that he was a fool? If it weren't for Quarmy's plan, he would have asked Eva what she had to do with Yale. Why did she spare no effort to help Yale and deal with Monica?

Francisco suppressed his anger and replied calmly, "Thank you. Flowever, it's none of our business who Quarmy likes. By the way, the court may not on Quarmy's side. I don't believe that he can take Coco away!"

"Brother, don't you feel sorry for Monica? Can you bear to watch her fight with Quarmy for their children?"

"As the saying goes, trouble can't be avoided. If Quarmy really wants to make a lawsuit, we can't escape from it even if we leave."

"You can go abroad when Monica's restraining order is lifted. Quarmy can do nothing to you then."

"Go abroad?" Francisco chuckled. "We don’t have so much money."

"Well... If you really don't have enough money, I can give you some." Eva was generous.

"Flow much can you give us?" Francisco couldn't help asking, "Tens of millions or hundreds of millions?"

"Brother, I just want to help you, how can you..." "Thank you for your kindness." Francisco interrupted Eva. "To tell you the truth, I really can't find a reason to leave. Quarmy is so rich, so I'd better let him raise the children. We can let Quarmy give shares of VSUS to Moni's children. With the shares, Moni and I can also live a better life. Only fools will leave."

"You..." Eva's face changed. Francisco never cared about money before. What was wrong with him? "Don't forget that Jenny's in the hospital. After the child is born, Quarmy will definitely not let Monica

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"A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. Moni didn't do anything to Jenny, so why should she be afraid of Quarmy?" Francisco said with a sneer, "You didn't care about Moni before. What did you suddenly change? Do you have other purposes?"

"I did it for Moni. What purpose can I have?" Eva said no confidence at all.

Francisco looked at Eva and said, "I don't care. But what I want to tell you is that Moni will never leave Jiang City. Also, I don't want to have any contact with you. Last time, I told you very clearly that we were already strangers!"

Eva and Francisco parted unhappily in the end. Eva's face was full of resentment. Francisco was stubborn, so he would definitely not help her. In this case, she had to do something cruel. She decided to tell Monica that Francisco was not Xanjer. As long as Monica knew that Francisco loved Flannah, things would be really fun.

When that time came, Francisco would have no way to prove his innocence. Monica would despise him because his love for Flannah. Naturally, she would not stay in Jiang City, nor would she stay with Francisco.

Eva became more and more excited as she thought about it. She had to do it right away.

After talking with Eva, Francisco went home. When he entered, he saw Monica sitting on the sofa with a serious look.

This day, Monica took Coco to the hospital for a check- up. When she came back, she saw Xanjer and Eva entering a tea room one after another. She was very puzzled. Last time, Summer told her that Xanjer had met Eva here. When she asked Xanjer what happened, Xanjer looked a little abnormal and said that he was just drinking tea.

She didn't want to suspect her uncle, so she chose to believe him. But this time she saw such a thing again. It was not surprising that Xanjer went to the tea room. But it was strange that he appeared at the same time with Eva twice. Monica really didn't want to suspect him, but recently too many things happened. She decided to ask him directly.

"Uncle, where did you go just now?"

"I went to see someone." Francisco answered.


Francisco wanted to find an opportunity to tell Monica his true identity, but he didn't know how to say it. Fie felt that he could no longer hide it from her, so he answered, "Eva."

Monica felt relieved. Since her uncle didn't lie, it shouldn't be a big deal. Flowever, Francisco added, "Moni, I have something important to tell you." Monica looked at him. In her impression, her uncle had always been gentle and harmless. But now her uncle looked serious. She had a hunch that something bad would happen. Sure enough, Xanjer said something that really surprised her. "I am not the real Xanjer. The real Xanjer is dead. My name is Francisco..."

Francisco told Monica everything. Monica didn't dare to believe that her uncle was actually a well-known designer. Seeing Monica's shock, Francisco was a little worried. "Moni, I didn't mean to lie to you. Don't blame me. I have my own reasons."

It took Monica a while to recover from the shock. Looking at Francisco who looked at her worriedly and kept apologizing, she smiled bitterly. Whether Francisco was her uncle or not, he had been really nice to her over the years. There was no need for him to apologize. "I didn't blame you. I don't know what would have happened to me if you weren't there. I just want to know why you didn't tell it to me earlier."


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