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Every Breath You Take novel Chapter 78

Quarmy didn't return home until dawn. By the time he returned home, Jenny had already woken up. She knew that he hadn't returned for an entire night. If it had been in the past, she would have called him.

But last night, Quarmy and Madrigal went out to a party. If he didn't come back, he must be with Madrigal. It was the greatest thing for Jenny. Of course, she would not disturb him.

However, when Jenny saw her son come back so early, she changed her mind. She knew very well that her son was not with Madrigal at all. She looked at his dark circles and felt a little distressed. "Did you stay up at the company again?"

Quarmy responded with a hum.

Jenny ordered the servant to prepare breakfast while Quarmy began to wash up. After washing up, breakfast was in the dining hall. Quarmy sat down to eat. Jenny had been observing him. Why did she felt that her son seemed to have lost a lot of weight?

"Quarmy, don't work too hard. Pay attention to your body."

Quarmy answered her with hum again. Jenny sighed. "Although we lost a city construction project, Zoe will compensate us with the sports meeting project."

"Did Zoe tell you that?" Quarmy asked. "It's Yale. Zoe must have said it to her.1' Jenny was in a good mood. "The sports meeting project is also great. I think it's not worse than that one..."

Quarmy looked at his mother mockingly. "Don't you think it's too early to say that?"

Jenny naturally knew what he meant. She was silent for a moment. "Quarmy, I've thought about it. The engagement ceremony should be announced to the public. According to Zoe's instructions, we can hold it at his house!"

"Whatever. Don't ask me!" Quarmy wiped his mouth and stood up. "I'm going to work!"

"Aren't you going to rest at home?" Jenny asked in surprise.

"No, I still have things to do in the company!" Seeing her son striding away, Jenny stamped her feet. He couldn't bear working so hard like this!

Quarmy entered the company and ordered Noah, "Find out where Monica is now. Quickly."

Noah soon found out where Monica lived. Quarmy looked at the address and kept silent for a while. Then he grabbed his coat and drove to Monica's new home. He knew that Monica was not there at this time, but he still wanted to do it.

Monica's new home was in the south of the city. The facilities of this community were very good. There was a kindergarten here. This was also the reason why she chose to buy a house here.

Quarmy parked his car outside the community and walked into it. Monica lived in block 3, so he went straight to block 3. In the distance, he saw Xanjer sitting downstairs and basking in the sun. Not far away from him, a little boy was playing with a rubber ball.

Quarmy subconsciously stopped in his tracks. That was Monica's child. That child was so cute that he liked him the moment he saw him. How wonderful would it be if he was his child!

After playing with the ball for a while, Coco felt bored and ran to Xanjer. "Great-uncle, I want to find mom."

"Mom is at work and will come back at night. Be good, Coco."

"So boring." Coco sighed like an adult. "Great-uncle, when can I go to kindergarten?"

"Mom is working on it, don't worry," Xanjer replied.

Then, Xanjer noticed Quarmy. His face darkened and he left with Coco in his arms. Quarmy didn't move but stood there firmly. He had heard the conversation between Xanjer and Coco clearly just now. Coco wanted to go to kindergarten. Generally, kids could go to kindergarten at three years old. That was to say, Coco was now more than three years old. He and Monica had divorced for about three years. How could Monica have a three-year-old child? Was Coco his own child?

This idea made him excited. He had to find Monica immediately and get to the bottom of the matter!

Monica came home from work and was stopped by Quarmy downstairs. He said bluntly, "Monica, tell me honestly, who exactly is the child's father?"

What had to come finally came. Last night, Quarmy had asked her the same question at the banquet. Monica knew that he would not let it go. Luckily, she had already come up with a plan. She looked at him calmly, "Mr. Huo, you're funny. Of course, my child's father is my husband."

"Your husband? Me?"

"Huo, are you an idiot? Don't tell me you don't know the relationship between husband and ex-husband."

"Impossible! How is that possible?" Quarmy didn't believe it at all. "How can you be married?"

"Mr. Huo, you think too highly of yourself. Can't I marry another man?" Monica sneered.

"Monica, don't try to lie to me. You can't be married."

"Why? Why do you say that, Mr. Huo?"

"If you get married, I'll know it in the first place." He had kept an eye on the Civil Affairs Bureau's system. If Monica wanted to get married, she had to register. However, she didn't. "We've only divorced for three years. How can you have a three-year-old child? Is the child mine?"

"Yours? Do you deserve it?" Monica sneered. "Don't you know that we have divorced for three years and nine months?"

"Don't change the subject. Now that the technologies are so developed, I'll find out whether it's mine or not." Ever since she left, he had spent every day like a year. How could he not remember how long they had divorced?

Ouarmy lost his patience. "Monica, you can keep silent, but I'll check it out and come to you."

"Ouarmy, why do you have to force me?" Monica evilly said, "You don't have to check it out. I'll tell you the truth."

Quarmy stared nervously at her. "What is the truth?"

"It's true that I'm not married, because when I was about to get married, my child's father died accidentally." From the day Coco returned, she knew that Quarmy would ask her about his identity. However, she was not afraid. She would let him believe her.

When she left Quarmy, she couldn't find a job anywhere, so she went to her mother's grave and cried. Her mother was buried on the mountain in the suburb of Jiang City. She didn't expect to encounter heavy rain. On the way down the mountain, she slipped and fell. When she fell, she tried her best to protect her baby, but she accidentally broke her leg.

Coincidentally, she was rescued by a kind-hearted person who passed by at that time. The kind-hearted person John was the manager of a financial company. He was also Monica's alumni.

In fact, John had a crush on Monica when he was in high school. Monica was so beautiful that he felt inferior and dared not tell her how he felt. He put this feeling in the bottom of his heart. Later, John went to college in another city. After graduation, he married a girl from the same class and had a lovely son. However, his wife died in a car accident two years ago.

Monica had been lying in the hospital in the suburbs for three whole months. It was no wonder that Quarmy could not find any news about her. And John had been after Monica during this period.

Monica was disheartened, so it was impossible for her to accept him. She told John her own experience and said that she was pregnant, in order to let him give up on her.

John did not care. He promised that he would be nice to her and treated her child as his. How could Monica believe his promise? She was ready to leave after recovering, but she had always been a person who did not like to owe others. What should she pay him back for all the medical bills?

John's parents had a supermarket in the countryside. He proposed to let her work in the supermarket. Monica was worried about not being able to find a job, so she agreed.

Since Monica went to work in his supermarket, John had run back and forth between the company and the countryside. Monica's belly grew bigger day after day. John's parents were very kind to her. Seeing she was pregnant, they persuaded her to marry John.

Monica was a little moved by the kindness of John's family. She decided to think about it for the sake of the child, but she had not expected that something would happen to John.

In order to save several children who fell into the water, he died. His death made his parents extremely sad. They could not stand such a big blow and fell ill. Monica had been taking care of them. She did not leave until they recovered.

Although Monica and John did not get married, she had been living in the Ding family, and everyone thought that her child was John's. After John's death, she gave birth to this child in the Ding family. John's parents were very kind. In order not to let Coco become an illegitimate child, they also put Coco's registered residence in the Ding family.

Quarmy stared at Monica for a long time. "Monica, you'd better not lie to me!"

"Why should I lie to you?" Monica sneered. "If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

"I will!" He looked at her with a complicated expression and turned around to leave.

Monica didn't turn around until she couldn't see his figure. She felt sweat on her body. Although she didn't show it on her face, she was extremely nervous in her heart.

It was unfair to John, but she had no other way. Quarmy had already come to her to ask for an explanation. She could only use John. At that time, she was really thinking about marrying John. The neighbors all treated her as John's fiancee. Everyone thought Coco was John's son. Quarmy would let someone investigate it and he would definitely be told that. He had to believe it.

Quarmy immediately asked Noah to investigate everything Monica said. He got the result that Monica and John were about to get married at that time, but John accidentally died.

Hearing that Coco's household register had been moved out from the Ding family, Quarmy's heart was filled with mixed emotions. He had never imagined that he would force Monica to marry someone else.

He wanted to give her endless love and hold her hands forever. But why did things become like this?

He loved her. From the first time he saw her, he fell in love with her desperately. In order to be with her, he did a lot. He knew that her family background was not good, but so what? He just wanted her.

He appeared in her life after she and Leon broke up. In order to be with her, he did everything he could. Finally, she saw his existence. In order to stay with her, he tried his best to persuade his mother.

The wedding days were sweet at first, but then everything changed. Their divorce had something to do with children. He was the only son in the Huo family, and his mother desperately needed to have a grandchild.

At first, he put the blame on himself. Later, they were forced by his mother to go to the hospital for an examination.

The results of the examination surprised both Monica and him. There was nothing wrong with his body, but Monica couldn't have a child.

His mother was immediately unhappy, and Monica was also listless. That night, his mother made an excuse to scold her, but Monica endured it alone without saying a word.

Later, she began to take medicine. He couldn't remember how many Chinese medicines she had taken. Anyway, he remembered that he could smell medicine every time he came home. At first, his mother was active, and she tried her best to cure Monica.

She found some folk prescriptions, and Monica was very cooperative. However, things didn't change at all after two years. His mother began to lose patience, and her words became more and more unpleasant.

One day when he got home, he heard a quarrel. Jenny was so angry that she cried and broke a lot of things.

The pressure was too great, and his mother was unreasonable. He knew that she was having a hard time. There was a period of time where she had been asking him all day, "Quarmy, if I can't give birth in my lifetime, will you not want me?"

He hugged her and comforted her. "I only want you. It's enough!" This was true. To him, the children were really not important. The most important person was she!

Later, the conflict between Jenny and Monica became sharper and sharper. The quarrels became normal. Every time they quarreled, his mother would cry in front of him. He was in a dilemma. He had to comfort his mother first and then comfort her.

When another quarrel came, they no longer accepted his comfort. His mother asked him to divorce her, and she also told him firmly that she was very tired and no longer wanted to take awful Chinese medicine. She no longer wanted to go through the creepy examination and endure his mother's criticism. She wanted a divorce!

Quarmy's heart turned cold. He was on the verge of collapsing when he heard his beloved woman ask for a divorce. He hugged her and pleaded, "Give me a little more time, I will convince my mother, Moni, please!"

She was not moved at all. "I've had enough. Quarmy, you can't live without a child. Your mother won't allow that. We won't be happy!"

That night, he kept begging her to stay. After all kinds of nice words, she finally stopped talking about divorce.

He made up his mind to look for his mother. He said that he wanted to move out with Moni. Jenny was very sad and very disappointed. His attitude was very resolute, and finally, Jenny compromised.

In the third month after moving out, his mother suddenly came looking for him. She threw a set of photos and a recording pen in front of him. "Look, this is your wife. Look at what she did behind your back!"

He looked at the photos of Monica and Leon hugging each other in shock. No! Monica wouldn't betray him! This must be a mistake! Jenny played the video and he could clearly hear Monica and Leon's voices.

She was complaining to Leon about how his mother had tortured her. She said that she had had enough of this life, and she wanted to divorce. Leon was comforting her. Quarmy did not want to know what happened afterward.

That was a thing that every man wasn't willing to face. He crazily jumped up, tossed the recording pen onto the ground, and then smashed it to pieces. At that moment, his heart was shattered with blood! He was trying to find a way to stay with her forever, while she was already to give up on him. She actually secretly met up with Leon behind his back.

Jenny was cursing her viciously, forcing him to divorce her. She couldn't wait! However, he really could not bear the days without her. It was ridiculous. It was hard to imagine that a successful man like him would choose to tolerate it after knowing his wife cheated on him.

He could tolerate it, but Jenny couldn't. "Quarmy, what's so good about Monica? She can't even give birth to a child. She's outrageous and unreasonable. She even cheated on you behind your back. The Huo family can't afford such a woman. If you still treat me as your mother, divorce her immediately!" Jenny pounded the table and shouted at him with gritted teeth.

"Mom, it's all because of you! You made Moni unhappy. It's not her fault for being sterile. How can you provoke her like this?! If you hadn't pushed her, she wouldn't have done this!" For the first time, he was angry with his mother.

"Am I wrong? Isn't her fault for being sterile? You're the only son of the Huo family, you have to have a child! Since she can't get pregnant, she should leave. Isn't she a dog in the manger?" Jenny said angrily. "The point is that she cheated. Why are you still defending that slut? You must divorce her. I'll go and talk to her personally!"

"Mom!" Quarmy stopped Jenny. "I'll settle this!"

"I tell you, I won't let it go. As long as she's still your wife, this isn't over. I want to see how shameless she can be to stay in our house!"

"Mom, don't force me!"

After a few days, Jenny came to him again. "I can stop you from divorcing that b*tch, but I have a request." "What's your request?"

"I want a grandson!"

"No! I won't betray her!" He resolutely shook his head.

"Silly child, she had an affair with another man behind your back. Why don't you give up on her?"

"Mom, I won't betray her! No!"

"Silly child, do you have to have sex to get a baby? There are so many young women outside who are surrogates..." Jenny stared at him. "Quarmy, as long as you give me a grandson, you can do what you want! I will never force you again!"

He looked at his mother's face and kept silent for a long time. Finally, he uttered the word, "Okay!"

But he never dreamed that things would turn out like this. The person Jenny chose turned out to be Madrigal. Jenny didn't tell him this until Madrigal was pregnant.

Quarmy was really shocked. He didn't know why Madrigal would agree to do this kind of thing. As the mayor's daughter, it was really incredible for her to do this.

Madrigal told him that she loved him. She knew that she could not be with him in this life. When she heard that his mother was looking for a surrogate, she decided to have a child for him.

Madrigal also said that she would never disturb their marriage and let him rest assured.

The development of the matter had gone beyond Quarmy's plan. He was shocked and blamed himself. After knowing that Madrigal was pregnant, he was completely at a loss. Both his mother and Madrigal thought that the child was his.


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