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Every Breath You Take novel Chapter 96

After thinking for a while, Old Mrs. Gu asked Monica to meet in a coffee shop. Monica arrived the coffee shop 20 minutes earlier, while Old Mrs. Gu came in on time.

It had been nine years since Old Mrs. Gu saw Monica last time. Monica was still so beautiful that people in the cafe shop were all looking at her.

Old Mrs. Gu walked over to Monica and sat down. Monica smiled politely at her. "What would you like?"

"Blue Mountains coffee!"

The waiter quickly brought coffee to them. After stirring the coffee with a spoon for a long time, Old Mrs. Gu stopped and slowly said to Monica, "You are much thinner than before." Monica smiled faintly and did not speak.

Old Mrs. Gu wasn't angry. She sighed softly, "Time flies! It's almost nine years!"

Monica understood what she meant. It was not the first time they had met in a cafe. Monica still remembered what she had said at that time. "Don't worry, Old Mrs. Gu. I always remember what you said to me. I know I don't deserve Leon."

Her answer made Old Mrs. Gu's face flash with embarrassment. At that time, she was not polite to Monica at all. She took a sip of the coffee and said, "I also heard about your son's illness. What a poor child. He's so young, so smart and lovely." "Yeah, this is unfair!" Monica answered faintly, and there was no sadness or joy on her face.

"Monica, I want to ask you one thing." Old Mrs. Gu had no choice but to be direct. "Can you leave Leon? I mean, I can pay for your child's treatment. Please don't show up in front of Leon."

Monica knew she would say that. If it had been in the past, she would have agreed to leave Leon without hesitation. But Coco was being treated now. Leon said that the treatment that his attending doctor used was very effective. How could she leave at this time?

"Monica, I know I'm selfish, but I have no choice. I did it for Leon's happiness. I don't want my grandson to be lonely for the rest of his life." Seeing her silence, Old Mrs. Gu said carefully. "Leon still loves you. He has been alone for nine years because of you. How many nine years can he have in his life? Can you bear to see him grow old lonely?"

"I never thought of making Leon lonely. He is the best person I have ever met in my life. I regard him as a friend, a confidant, and an elder brother. I also want him to be happy." Monica answered.

"I know, but Leon's happiness has always been controlled by you. Over the years, his heart has always been in your hands. I have arranged dozens of women for him, but he has not taken a fancy to any of them... I have been worried about his marriage. Monica, I beg you to stay away from Leon!"

"Old Mrs. Gu, do you really think that my leave would change it?" Monica smiled bitterly. "Back then, you asked me to stay away from Leon for his happiness. I agreed and married Quarmy. But Leon still didn't get married. Is it also my fault?"

"Well..." Old Mrs. Gu didn't know what to say. What Monica said made sense. Leon's loneliness seemed to have nothing to do with Monica.

"I don't think I have the ability to control Leon. Maybe his loneliness is partly because of me, but if it weren't for you, he wouldn't have become like this."

"Monica, I know I was wrong, but what about you? Leon's parents died when he was young and he was brought up by me. I have high expectations for him, so it's natural that I want to find a helpful wife for him. At that time, why didn't you tell me your identity? If you have feelings for him, you wouldn't leave without a word."

"I don't have any feelings for Leon?" Monica couldn't help sneering. All she ever wanted was a pure relationship, but things went contrary to her wishes. Most people paid more attention to status and power. Indeed, at that time, if she told Old Mrs. Gu that she was Zoe's daughter, she might be able to stay with Leon. But who would care about her feelings? Her mother passed away because of Zoe's cheating. How could she admit that her father was such a shameless person?

"Old Mrs. Gu, if your father had an illegitimate daughter with his mistress behind your mother's back and caused her death, would you forgive him?"

"Of course not!" With that said, Old Mrs. Gu looked at Monica in surprise. "What do you mean?" "You should know that his current daughter is the same age as me."

"I see!" Old Mrs. Gu sighed. "I misunderstood you, I'm sorry!"

"In fact, I did like Leon at that time. I knew I was not qualified to like him, so I didn't tell him how I felt. Later, you asked me to leave him and I agreed. I know that his loneliness has something to do with me. However, I didn't choose him when I was still an innocent young girl, now that I have experienced too much, I am even more unworthy of him. I will persuade him to find a girlfriend."

Monica took a breath. "As for what you said, I want to tell you that I won't leave..." Suddenly, she found that Old Mrs. Gu's face became pale and her eyes were full of horror. Monica was stunned, and then she found that the coffee shop was surprisingly quiet. She turned her head and saw a bunch of hooded guys with guns.

One of the robbers turned around and locked the door, while the others pointed their guns at the guests in the cafe and asked them to gather together.

Monica, who had never encountered such a thing before, was so stunned that could not move at all. Although Old Mrs. Gu was used to big scenes, they were limited to mall fights. At this moment, it was a matter of life and death. She was also freaked out.

A robber came over with his gun and knocked on the table in front of them, indicating for them to gather together with everyone. Monica helped Old Mrs. Gu into the crowd. The robbers asked everyone to hand over their wallets, including jewelry. They did what they were told to do to for the sake of their lives.

Several robbers aimed at them, while the other two began to collect their wallets and jewelry. When they came to Old Mrs. Gu, she handed her purse, necklace and bracelets to them.

The robbers opened her purse. There was little cash but a lot of bank cards in it. They only wanted cash, so they took out the cash and threw the purse to Old Mrs. Gu.

However, a business card fell out. A robber picked it up and looked at it carefully. Then, his face changed. He ran to the leader with it and whispered a few words in his ear. The leader came over. He stared at Old Mrs. Gu for a while and asked, "Are you Cecilia Gu?"

Old Mrs. Gu knew it was useless to deny it, so she nodded.

Monica's heart sank. She thought that something bad was going to happen. The Gu family was not an ordinary family. How could they let Old Mrs. Gu go if they knew her identity?

She immediately said, "She's not Old Mrs. Gu from the Gu family. You've mistaken her for someone else!"

"Really? I remember I've seen a photo of Old Mrs. Gu in the newspaper." The leader sneered. "Why don't we call her family to confirm it?"

Old Mrs. Gu knew that it was useless to escape, so she admitted her identity.

Sure enough, after that, the leader smiled slyly. "I didn't expect to meet Old Mrs. Gu here. We want to invite you to come back with us. Don't worry, we just want money. We won't hurt you!1' After saying that, he winked at a robber.

That robber came up and wanted to drag Old Mrs. Gu out. Monica hurried forward to stop them. "You can't take her away!"

"Get out!" The robber pushed Monica aside. Monica was pushed to the ground by him. She did not give up. She got up and continued to plead. "Don't you want money? I am her granddaughter. Let me be your hostage! Let my grandmother go back and she will give you money."

"Are you really her granddaughter?" The robber couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I am Mandy. My grandmother is old and she is not in good health. What if something happens to her? You don't want to cause trouble, do you?" The robbers naturally heard of Mandy. After thinking for a while, they let Old Mrs. Gu go and chose Monica as the hostage.

Monica was taken out of the coffee shop by the robbers. Before they left, they asked Old Mrs. Gu to prepare 100 million cash. Seeing them leave, the guests called the police. After some inquiries, the police began to search for the robbers all over the city. They told Old Mrs. Gu to inform them if the robbers called her.

After that, Old Mrs Gu was sent home. She was very worried about Monica's safety. If it weren't for Monica, she would have been taken away by the robbers. She had to save Monica. She ordered the housekeeper to prepare cash. At this moment, Mandy came back. After knowing what happened, she stopped her. "Grandma, don't you think it's a perfect opportunity for us?"

"What opportunity?"

"An opportunity to get rid of Monica." Mandy reminded her. "As long as we don't give them money, they will definitely kill Monica. At that time, Monica will completely disappear. You don't have to worry about Leon anymore."

"What did you say?" Old Mrs. Gu looked at Mandy in surprise as if she did not know her at all. "Why do you have such a terrible idea? Monica was taken away for saving me. Shouldn't we save her?"

"I... I..." Mandy knew that she said the wrong thing. She had always been gentle and kind. It was no wonder that Old Mrs. Gu would be surprised.

The robbers took Monica to a house. After locking the door of the house, they began to think about how to blackmail the Gu family. One of the robber called the Gu family. Old Mrs. Gu was very straightforward. She said that someone was preparing the ransom and asked them to wait for a while.

They did not believe her words and warned her not to call the police. If she made them unhappy, they would kill her granddaughter. Old Mrs. Gu promised not to call the police, but Mandy's eyes lit up.

After hanging up the phone, several robbers sat together to discuss. One of them reminded that the Gu family was a rich family. Did they ask too little money? The leader felt a little regretful after hearing that.

It was common for the robbers to go back on their word. Monica's heart sank when she heard that. At this moment, she was not as scared as she used to be. She carefully observed the terrain. She was brought into the room with her eyes blindfolded, so she did not know where she was.

Now that the black cloth on her eyes had been removed, she could see clearly that she was in a room of an apartment. The robbers were talking in the living room.

There was a window in the room, but there were iron railings on the window, so there was no way to escape at all. Generally, the windows of bathrooms would not be equipped with iron railings. Therefore, Monica told them that she wanted to go to the bathroom. They agreed.

Monica entered the bathroom and found that she was right. She stood on the toilet and looked out. She was on the third floor. If she jumped down, her body would get hurt.

However, there was an air conditioner next to the window, and there was an awning below it. If she climbed to the air conditioner, and then jumped to the top of the awning, it would be much better.

However, it was also very dangerous to do so. If she was careless, she would fall. However, she did not have to think too much. If the Gu family did not agree to the conditions of the robbers, she would die. She had to save herself.

Monica returned to the room quietly and continued to wait. Two hours passed. The robbers called the Gu family again. The Gu family said that the money was ready, then the robbers told them the location to transact.

Two robbers went to get the ransom, but they didn't take Monica with them. Monica knew that they wanted to ask more money. After a while, she proposed to go to the bathroom again. The robbers were happy so they didn't refuse.

She entered the bathroom, locked the door and started to escape. She thought it was easy, but she was wrong. She took a lot of effort to climb out of the window and stood on the air conditioner. She felt dizzy when she looked down, and she subconsciously squatted down.

Seeing that she had been in the bathroom for so long, a robber began to knock. Monica was flustered and jumped down from the air conditioner with her eyes closed. When she landed on the awning, the old awning couldn't withstand her weight and broke. Monica also fell down.

Fortunately, she jumped vertically and there was an awning to reduce the impact force. The most serious injuries were to her ankles. As soon as her feet touched the ground, the heart-wrenching pain came from her ankles. She could not care so much and struggled to run out. At the same time, the robber began to kick the door hard.

Soon the door was kicked open, but there was no one inside. "Boss, the hostage has escaped!" The leader panicked when he heard this. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and chase her!"

A group of people went downstairs with curses. Monica's ankles hurt so much. She knew that they would catch up with her soon, so she turned back and hid in the grass downstairs. The most dangerous place was the safest place.

The robbers were not familiar with the terrain either. After running for some distance, they got a phone call. "Boss, we are fooled. There is no ransom at all. They called the police. Now there are police everywhere. Run!"

Hearing that, the leader fled in a panic with his men.

Mandy went to visit Gracie in a good mood. Gracie was much better and was talking to a servant. She was very happy to see Mandy. "Mandy, you don't have to come to see me every day."

"I'm free anyway." Mandy sat down beside the bed and spoke softly to Gracie. Roland returned with a cigarette. When he saw his mother and Mandy chatting happily, his face changed.

Mandy left the ward and saw Roland standing in the corridor, leaning against the wall in a daze. She reached out and pushed him. "Why don't you come inside?"

Roland came to his senses and said, "Mandy, I have something to ask you!"

"Is it about Auntie? Don't worry, she's better now..."

"No, it's about you and me." Roland stared at her pretty face and asked, "Mandy, do you really want to marry me?"

Mandy looked at Roland in astonishment. She did not understand why he said that. Roland added, "Even if I don't love you, do you still want to marry me?" Mandy nodded. "Roland, even if you don't love me, I want to marry you!"

"You'd better think about it. I will never love you and we can only be a so-called couple. I'm still a playboy and you can do whatever you want. Do you still want to marry me?"

"I do!"

"Fine, Mandy, I am willing to be engaged to you. If you still want to marry me after three years, I will marry you!" After saying this, he pushed the door open and went inside.

Mandy pinched her wrist in disbelief. It was very painful. It was not a dream! Joy filled her brain, and she ran out of the hospital without caring about anything.

It had been a few hours before Leon knew what happened to Monica. He rushed to Gu Residence and asked, "Grandma, why didn't you inform me earlier?"

"I was afraid that you'd be worried, so..." Old Mrs. Gu didn't dare to look at her grandson. "It's all my fault. I thought the robbers just wanted money. I didn't expect that they wouldn't keep their words."


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