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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114, The Fight Begins 

Liam nodded, gave Idris a look that was met with silence, and without another word, stepped past the mastiff to search inside

I tried to get up, but a hand appeared to help me. I saw the welldefined, almost too perfect fingers and bit my l*p, deciding not to take the help. I got up by myself

Idris watched, his expression falling ever so slightly, and he pulled back his hand

I looked away and followed Liam into the darkness

The tower was not big, but the shadows made it feel like another world

Seeing Sweety stopped me cold. She was bare… 

That monster, Noah

My eyes burned with rage. Liam was already by her side, and after a shocked pause, he quickly shed his jacket and draped it over Sweety, lifting her from the mess

Sweety woke with a start, her screams piercing the air as she flailed. Don’t touch me, don’t touch me

She was clawing at the air, completely out of control

Liam wrapped his arms around her, his voice a gentle whisper, Don’t be scared, don’t be scared. Nob*dy’s gonna hurt you. We’re here to rescue you. Don’t be scared.” 

Sweety could not hear him, her eyes flooded with tears, and her hands clawing at the air in panic

My heart clenched so hard it hurt to breathe. I knelt beside her, holding her close. My voice broke. Sweety, it’s me. It’s me! I’m Yvette. Don’t be scared. We’re here to save you! Don’t be scared!” 

Maybe it was hearing her name that made her wild, scared eyes start to settle down, but she was still shaking. She stared at me, lost and confused, her voice a husky whisper. Yvette!” 

I nodded, gripping her hand, nodding again. Yeah, it’s me. I’ve come to save you. Don’t be scared. We’re going home soon

I tried to lift her, but I was still weak from a recent miscarriage, and pain throbbed in my lower abdomen, sapping my strength 

I got her!Liam stepped in. He was as tall as Idris, and he easily scooped Sweety into his arms

Maybe clarity was returning to her because Sweety looked at him, then at me, her eyes searching 

I kept talking to her, trying to calm her, as Liam and I rushed out of the tower. Idris was right there with us, silent as a shadow, not uttering a word. Neither did I. 

Outside, Moore was pacing, worried. When she saw us, her eyes flicked to Sweety, who was a mess, and she quickly looked away, guilt written all over her face

Her anxious eyes then darted to Idris 

1 watched all this with a cool eye, pushing down the waves of anger that kept rising, telling myself that getting Sweety to the hospital was what mattered most right now

Hey, what brings the Youngs heirs here? What’s all this?Noah sauntered up to the rooftop with his crew, a fake smile plastered on his face as he blocked our path

Liam bit his l*p, clutching Sweety close, his face set in a serious frown. Noah, step aside!” 

Sweety, cradled in his arms, seemed to shiver at the sound of Noah’s voice

Noah sneered at him, not budging an inch. Instead, he planted himself right before Liam, blocking his way, and taunted, Look, Liam, you’re on my turf now. If you want to take someone from here, you’ve got to check in with me first” 

Liam’s eyebrows knitted together, his face clouded with annoyance. Noah, we’re all playing the same game here. I need to take this girl with me today.” 


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