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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 Does It Hurt to See Him Like This

Suddenly, a dozen guys came barreling down the stairs, heading straight for Liam and Idris. I froze, my eyes wide as I watched the brawl unfold before me

Please stop fighting! Stop!Moore’s voice pierced the air, her terror palpable as she cowered in the corner, too scared to move an inch

I sprinted to Sweety’s side, shielding her with my b*dy, my eyes darting to the brawl unfolding before us. The Young brothers might have been silverspoon kids, but they threw punches like street fighters, and with their black belts in Taekwondo, they held their own even when outnumbered

However, Idris was at a disadvantage with his injured hand, and it showed

The moment Idris floored a beefy guy, Noah whipped out a knife, lightningfast, and lunged

My heart stopped. Watch out!I yelled

Idris, with reflexes like a cat, spun around at my shout. He caught Noah’s wrist and, with a fierce twist, snapped it. The knife clattered to the ground

Without missing a beat, Idris’s leg whipped around in a spinning kick, landing a solid hit to Noah’s groin. Noah’s howl could have shattered glass, echoing off the mountains long after 

As his cries still hung in the air, the cops swarmed in, guns drawn, barking orders, Freeze! Down on the ground, hands on your heads, do it now!” 

The chaos subsided, and I let out a long, shaky breath

Officer Jackson checked everyone was okay, then gave Liam and Idris a nod before his team hauled Noah and his cronies away

Sweety looked lost, her eyes glazed over. Officer Jackson exhaled a weary breath. Ambulance is up front. Get the injured checked out, pronto

I nodded, my mind a whirlwind. After a quick thanks, I scooped Sweety into my arms, ready to get her the help she needed

Liam put a hand on my shoulder, giving me a look that said he would handle it. I’ve got this,he said, and with that, he scooped Sweety up in his arms and headed downstairs

I trailed behind them, not sparing a thought for Idris and Moore

It was not until Sweety was safely in the ambulance that I let out a breath I did not realize I had been holding. Maxwell came over, gave me a onceover, and with a relieved smile, said, That was close. Glad you’re okay

I stared at him, my brain a beat too slow, and then it clicked. Did you call Idris?I asked

How else could he have shown up out of the blue

He shook his head. Nope, it wasn’t me. He rang me up, all worried about you. You were so desperate to find him earlier, so when he called, I filled him in on Sweety’s situation. He’s the one who told me to call the cops and to make sure they got here fast. He was worried it might be serious, so we got the. paramedics over too

I did not press any further. If Liam could guess that Noah might be here, then of course Idris could too. His arrival was not a shock 

My gaze shifted to Moore and Idris as they stepped out with Officer Jackson

I bit my l*ps. I could wrap my head around Idris rushing over, but why was Moore here too

Officer Jackson got the lowdown and after a few words with me, he headed back to the precinct

Iddy, you’re bleedingMoore’s voice broke through, laced with concern. I looked over to see her eyes fixed on Idris’s right hand, which was wrapped in a bandage now soaked through with blood


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