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Fated Mate novel Chapter 3

In an attempt to understand what it was that could make everyone around him look so down and unhappy, he tried using his mind link to communicate with his wife but to his surprise, he got no reply and that was when it finally hit him. Nothing was okay at the moment.

He dashed into the hut to see his wife and child and make sure they were okay but as soon as he barged in, he was welcomed with the quiet sobs of a few members of his pack who seemed to have formed a circle around his wife's bed.-

His heart started to feel heavier as he made his way slowly, towards his wife's bed.

He spots his child lying peacefully in Marlene's arms and he felt more at ease seeing that his angel was safe and sound but then when he turned to look at his wife, he knew something was terribly wrong and his heart dropped.

He shakily took her palm in his and her palms immediately felt cold against his, sending a sudden feeling of disarray and emptiness down his entire being.

"What...no...no...no..." He trailed off as he stared back at his wife's motionless body.

The pain he felt right at that moment was not something he ever thought he would feel in his lifetime. He couldn't even comprehend how empty and dead he felt on the inside. He wanted to speak up, say something to her, yell, cry and beg but he just couldn't. Everything in him felt like it was starting to slowly shut down and the feeling of helplessness killed him even more.

"Cel... Celia?" He called in a low voice but got no reply.

Marlene sniffled, struggling to hold back her tears as she watched Frederick slowly lose himself, "I'm so sorry Frederick. I really..." She's saying but he cuts her off harshly.

"What happened to her!" He growled, his eyes immediately turning blood red with rage.

The tears Marlene had fought hard to control started to stream down her face without control and as much as she tried controlling herself, she just couldn't do it anymore.

"She's... she passed away Frederick and there was nothing we could do to save her." She informs him shakily and although he already knew what had happened, hearing it from someone else made him realise that the love of his life had left and now he had no one.

With rage and pain in his heart, Frederick immediately changed to his wolf form, carried his dead mate on his back and bolted out of the hut and out into the forest where he planned to mourn for the rest of his life.

The Silvermoon academy was established by the fourth Alpha of the pack to enlighten the young ones better about their pack history and to also help train them to become stronger and more strategic. The academy was founded to also minimize the interactions between the werewolves and humans so as to avoid their existence from being exposed to humans and also to avoid putting their kind in danger.

A seven year old Damien sat opposite his teacher with curious eyes, paying attention to each word that escaped his lips. He had a thousand and one questions to ask but each time a question popped up in his mind, his teacher, Darius, seemed to already know what he had to say before he even got a chance to speak, and to his surprise, all of his pending questions got replied to without him having to ask.

"I'm aware that you are curious as to why we always tell you to run whenever you come across any member of the Redmoon and why any sort of interaction is forbidden between the two packs and now, I believe, you are old enough to understand what I'm about to explain to you." Darius said and Damien beamed with excitement as he had always wanted to know what really went wrong.

"For the last ten decades, the Redmoon pack and the Silvermoon pack have been at war with one another." He started.

"It all started with Alpha Lionel, a good and kind man who was known to be a lover of peace and prosperity. He had travelled to the Redmoon pack with good intentions in his heart. He decided that it would be best to make peace with the Redmoon pack and for both packs to form an alliance that would benefit both packs economically and also help us to defend ourselves against our enemies but unfortunately, the Alpha of the Redmoon pack saw Alpha Lionel's sincerity as an opportunity and he selfishly and brutally killed him." He explained to the young lads.

Damien's eyes widened at the last words he had just heard, his young mind could not believe it. He wondered why they had gone that far and why they didn't appreciate the call for peace to reign. His young mind could not comprehend the reason for such a drastic action.

"The Redmoon pack is a sworn enemy of ours and they are merciless people. They do not like peace and they don't advocate for unity. They'd rather have years of war and unrest than settle for actual peace." He adds, laying emphasis on every of his word and knowingly building a feeling of fear and hate in the heart of young Damien.

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