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Fated to Doom novel Chapter 2

Camille POV

The day of the exhibition finally arrived and I couldn't be happier. I was finally going to showcase my talents to the world. Alina helped me pick my outfit which was a blue jumpsuit and black heels that match the jumpsuit. I am no fan of dresses so I felt comfortable when I wore the jumpsuit. My hair was trimmed and stretched down to my shoulder length and my face was done by Alina herself.-

"You look amazing Camille," Alina commented and pointed to the mirror for me to look at. "You are a spec," she winked at me.

"You could have been a painter," I told her as I stared at myself in the mirror. It's was not the first time I wore makeup but due to the different hairstyle, my face looked different and more feminine free from wrinkles like Alina would always say. The makeup made my obsidian eyes charming and my face rounded. The red lipstick on my lips made them smaller and plump.

"Thank you girl," I appreciated.

"No problem. Have fun and make sure you meet another artist. It's the only way to....."

"To make me learn new things." I finished it for her because I knew every word. Alina had said it to me like a thousand times so I was used to it.

"Okay, " Alina placed a hand on her hips and stared at me for a while. "You are missing something important " Alina walked out of my room and when she returned, she handed over me a silver necklace. "Hart got this for me before he left for Greece. I want you to wear it since you are going for an important occasion."

"You are the best Alina," I hugged her and let get wear the necklace around my neck. "It's lovely," I touched the necklace and turn my face to the other side as I admired the necklace. It's was a plain silver necklace with the shape of the moon but it was still beautiful. "Thank you." I stood up from my tiny bed and hugged her.

"You should start going. I already called an uber."

. "What could I have ever done without you?"

"Nothing!" Alina yawned. "You need to be on your way girl."

"Right," I grabbed my black purse and headed out of my room with Alina trailing behind me. "Before I go. Let's take picture together."

"What?" Alina shouted. "Have you seen my face?" She pointed to her oval-shaped face. "I have freckles on my face and you want to take a picture with me!" She shouted yet again and from her countenance, I knew Alina was going to explode if I didn't go.

"I apologize girl. I am sorry," I told and rushed towards the door. " The uber is probably waiting for me outside," I chuckled but it's didn't worked. Alina still had an annoying frown on her face.

I waved at her and walked out of the house. The uber was already parked outside of our building. I entered and took a deep breath. "Hmmmmm."

"You okay?" The driver, a black man asked.

"yeah, I'm just nervous "

It was my first and I wondered if my painting were good enough to be exhibited in front of people. My hand shivered and strange cold bites into my skin. The weather was perfectly fine and there was no cold as it was middle July. Everyone I saw wears a summer dress but I seemed to be the only one with Cold.

"You have a job interview?" The driver asked and I shook my head.

"I have an exhibition at AX gallery."

"You are an artist?" The driver asked and I nodded in response. "I love art but it's way too expensive for someone like me" he stated. "You are going to be fine but," he paused and stared at me through the rearview mirror. "I heard a Gallerist is a strange man. He rarely smiles."

The gallerist was a popular man in the country. Rumors had it that he used to be a painter but stopped because he wanted to focus on the gallery. Axel Banks, owner of AX gallery and he is what I called the Money bank.

"How do you know that he rarely smiles? " I questioned the driver because I detected a lie in his tone.

"Yes, I have seen him in flesh back in erm....."The driver paused and cleared his throat. "I don't remember when I saw him but all I can say is that he is a strange man. Avoid him when you see him."

"Yeah, Mr driver." I rolled my eyes in annoyance and stared outside the window. "This is your first exhibition Camille but you can do it," I muttered.

The rest of the drive was in silence and when the driver announced that we'd reached, I rushed out of the car. "Bye driver" I waved at him.

"Remember to avoid him, " The driver reminded me before he drove away.

"This is it, Camille," I took a deep breath and raised my head to look at the building. It's was a building of about Fifty floors based on my assumption but it could be way taller than that. The name AX Gallery was engraved at the center of the building. Releasing my breath, I took a step towards the entrance there, two hefty men were waiting at the entrance with a woman who had glasses on. Her eyes were fixed on the tablet's smartphone in her hand.

"Hello, I am Camille," I walked towards her and introduced myself.

The woman eyes me from my head down to my tiny toes. ", Your invitation?" She asked rather rudely.

AX Gallery 1

AX Gallery 2


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