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Fated to Doom novel Chapter 4

Camille POV

After Remi left me all alone, I roamed around admiring every artwork exhibited. I wish I had bought Alina with me but it was based on an invitation and coming to an Art Gallery as big as AX requires a lot of money which Alina and I don't have.

When I was done looking around, I Went back to my paintings but then I saw a man staring at them. The man must be a fan of wolves or something for him to stare at my paintings for so long.

"Who painted this wolf?" He asked the lady beside him and I recognized her as the rude lady from the entrance of the gallery.

"They must be a couple," I thought as I watched both of them.

"I have no idea, sir. Remi and Isabella picked the artist. Is there a problem sir?" The lady asked yet again.

If she is using Sir then it means they were not a couple but the man was her boss or one of the rich snobs that had come to see the Arts exhibited in the Gallery.

"Go get them. I need to know who painted the wolf."

Why was he searching effortlessly for the painter? Does he admire my work that much? I needed to know why so I drew closer to them and made my presence known.

"I did," I answered.

The man turned around and for a moment, I thought we were the only ones left in the hall. His eyes were beautiful obsidian eyes like mine but his were darker and bigger. His face was an oval-shaped face with a sharp jawline and pointed nose which made him look perfect. He was a blonde and his beautiful hair was perfectly styled giving him the perfect bad boy look. Compare to my height, he was a few inches taller and muscular like he had been working out his whole life. I've seen the man somewhere but I had no idea where.

"Where have you been all my life?" I wanted to say that but instead, I said, "Is there any problem with my painting sir?"

"You painted the wolf?" He questioned and bites his lower lips.

Oh, God. His lips look pink and plump. I wondered how it would feel if I could kiss those lips. I pinched myself and wondered why I Fantasied about a man who was in front of me staring at me with his beautiful obsidian eyes.

"Yes, they are all mine." I smiled at him.

The man didn't say anything but instead, he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the hall.

The last time I checked, I don't have someone out there who wanted to kill me.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as he dragged me down the hallways into the elevator.

This is it. I was about to be murdered in an elevator just like in the movies. I was going to die but I wasn't ready to die yet so I screamed out loud as the elevator doors were closing.

"Help me! A man is trying to kill me!" As if God heard my prayer, a hand shot out in between the doors and I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Sir, is something wrong?" It was the rude redhead girl.


"Use the second elevator Penelope," The man ordered and the woman came out without arguing.

He must be the boss since he had authority over the rude girl.

"Who are you? Where are you taking me to?" I tried to free my hand from his but instead, he tightened his grip on my hand.

"I need you," he confessed or maybe it wasn't a confession but a way of saying that he needed me to kill me.

"Let's me go!" I shouted. "Please let me go," I begged.

"You don't know who I am? Do you?"

That's question was tricky. In movies, it's could be a way to kill their victim. They questioned their prey and if their victims failed to answer, they'll murder them. I wasn't ready to die yet.

"I am right. You don't even know me," he said with a hint of sadness laced in his tone.

"Erm," I Cleared my throat and looked into his eyes.

Surprisingly, he was staring back at me. "Since you don't know me, little girl, I'll introduce myself to you." He grinned wickedly.

I gulped and averted my eyes from his. He must be a drug lord because he had succeeded in inserting fear into my head. "I am....." He tried to say something but I interrupted him by pointing at the elevator door.

"It's opened," I announced and rushed to leave the elevator but he pulled me back.

"Why are you trying to run away?" He questioned.

"Because......" I scratched my head with my free hand. "Because," I cleared my throat and tried all I could to avoid eye contact with him.

Why was he even asking me that question? He was the one who had kidnapped me in front of everyone.

"Why are you asking me that?" I summoned the courage to talk back at him. "You kidnapped me in front of everyone and..."

"Kidnapped you?" He chuckled.

Why was he laughing? I didn't find what I just said funny. "Why are you laughing? If you hate my painting so much, you should have just told me to remove them rather than dragging me up here."

The man didn't say anything and walked out of the elevator with my hand still in his. He pulled me down a long hallway. "Why ain't you saying anything? If you want my painting, I'll give them all to you." I promised.

Who are you? 1

Who are you? 2

Who are you? 3


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