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Fated to Love You Again novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91 Pick up Norah in the Rainstorm

She always had the feeling that she seemed to hear Shawn's voice last night.

However, it was neat and tidy next to her. It was unlikely that somebody had slept there.

She then touched it again, and it was cold. Nobody could have slept there.

It seemed that it was just an illusion.

When she went downstairs, Shawn had already gone to work. The breakfast had been ready on the table.

When they got married, Shawn hired several nannies. But Norah didn't like to have strangers at their home, so they employed part-time workers.

They cleaned the house and cooked regularly.

If there was nothing else to do, they could leave after they finished their jobs.

But today, the nanny, Ms. Penny Gregson, didn't leave.

When Norah was having breakfast, Penny was seemingly cooking food in the kitchen, and a strong aroma came from the kitchen.

Penny came out and said, "Mrs. Lawson, you should eat more. You are skinny."

She continued, "Mr. Lawson even told me to cook some rich diet for every meal, especially to cook some soup full of nutrition. He said you should eat more and keep fit."

"He told you to do it?" Norah was surprised.

Penny nodded, "Yes. Mr. Lawson increased my salary. He said that I must take care of you no matter what you demand."

"Oh, " Norah nodded.

She then drank a bowl of soup as Penny was always persuading her.

After breakfast, Norah felt bored, so she began to read a book. As soon as she picked up the book, she received a call from the hospital.

She was told that she had passed the interview and she could begin to work in the hospital next Monday.

Norah was very happy after hanging up.

She opened WhatsApp and typed [I've passed the interview and I'm so happy.]

However, when she saw the name, Shawn, she deleted it instantly.

She then put down the phone.

Maybe it was her habit.

So when she was excited about the news, she would like to share it with him at once.

But she had to get rid of it.

After changing her clothes, Norah went to her mother's cemetery.

She hadn't seen her mother for a long time. She couldn't wait to share it with her mother when she got the news.

If her mother knew it, she would be happy for her.

When she got off the car, she received a call from Shawn.

Norah put the phone to her ear and it was quite silent.

Shawn said, "I heard that you were admitted to the hospital. Congratulations!"

"Thank you!"

Norah replied politely. They sounded estranged.

There seemed an invisible net to separate them at once.

She would have cut the net in front of her, torn it apart, and then passed through it if it happened before.

But now, she was tired, too.

She no longer had the courage to cut the barriers and went through it.

"When will you start going to work?"

"Next Monday."

Norah continued, "I'll hang up if there's nothing else."

Shawn said hurriedly, "Wait. I have something to say!"

"I'll go home and fetch a document at noon. I can have have lunch with you."

"Oh, " Norah responded calmly, and then said, "You can ask Anthony to get it."

"The document is in our bedroom. It's not convenient."


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