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Fated To The Werewolf Huntress novel Chapter 5

Location:Black eagles hunters clan

Kara's POV.

The next day

Expectantly arriving at the lakes shore,it's figure empty environment sends deep cuts through my nervously pounding heart.

I expected seeing him,I anticipated viewing his pretty face. Despite rejecting Damien alongside his complicated explanation regarding me being his moonly chosen mate, thoughts about him departing my memories prove futile.

Cravings glimpse of his Demi God look alike face and jet black brunette coloured hair taunt's my nightmare's, all through the horrible night napping seemed impossible.

Leaning against a huge half chopped tree while eye scanning the shore,it's beautiful appearance and the creators wonderful work over it sends unwanted image's of me rejecting Damien few meters away swiping through my thoughts sending guilt filled chills down my spines.

His dumbfounded and heart broken expression also had it's effect on me.

I felt his broken emotions,the pain,sorrow anguish and heartbreak all welling up within him.

Despite being the rejectee and him the rejected,the combined guilt and pain of my rejection towards him never ceases boring guilt laced holes through my heart.

My resounding tone blurting the rejection before his hurt filled gaze broadens the deep cuts within my heart.

I rejected him now I crave his presence more compared to before,I'll kill to spend a second with him,the craving urge to once again inhale his hot vanilla and strawberry stinch currently controls my thinking and actions.

He was right,we both are one and I bet the moon goddess's mate bond sure does exist. Her so called mated bond sure seems the reasonable explanation for the undying and uncontrollable cravings felt towards an opposite gender encountered only twice and Damien who I rejected appears the only one having adequate know of this,I rejected the only being capable of explaining my current predicament.

After exhausting few more minutes awaiting his arrival,I spring up my feets, once again eyes scanning the shores premises before diving into the woods, carrying along my bleeding and hurt filled heart.


Kara's POV

Location: Black eagles hunters clan

Successfully sneaking past the guards defences into my room,I sluggishly pull along my emotionally bleeding heart towards my bathroom.

Ridding myself off my clothes, revealing my hottie and curvy nature stark naked,I slowly and carefully dive into my already prepared bath, drowning myself likewise my sorrows and uncontrollable emotions into the warm and nerve relaxing water.


Exiting the bathroom having my white coloured towel wrapped right above my cleavages,I slowly bond my wet dripping into a pony tail before heading towards my make up mirror, prepared for my daily routine facial wash.

Staring up towards the average ticking wall clock, painful sighs escapes my lips.

"Limited time. Wish I had taken a shower before sneaking over to the woods" I whisper, grappling hold a black coloured hair comb.


Done perfecting my hair and facial appearance,I settle for my most liked dressing code, A ninja outfit.

Examining my breath taking all black appearance on my firm standing mirror,sly smiles curve up my lips.

Being strechty,the black coloured ninja outfit perfectly sticks against my skin, generally revealing and produging my curves likewise my busty nature.

"Oh shit,am thirty minutes late for training,that's four times in a role under four consecutive weeks. Am definitely earning rough and unpleasant scolds from the martial arts master"I mumble, hastily grappling my required materials before exiting the room amidst whispery grumbles.

Being royalty,my martial arts training pattern strictly ensured by dad appears totally different compared to fellow trainees.

Being royalty likewise the clans king daughter, training are addressed to me once in every consecutive weeks where am opportuned to select a sparing spouse under any sparing rules and regulations best suitable to me.

With regards to my all day negative lucks,my opposition is sure to earn the greatest defeat of a life time. All haboured hurt and rage directed to him alone using brutal force and ruthless sparing techniques.. He's sure to get it rough.

"Good thing I have the perfect opposition calmly stored within. He'll definitely regret ever betraying me and going against my trust all under the name of earning dad's dumb attention and undying trust. He'll definitely get it rough and hard" I chuckle, memerizing my opposition heavily battered and swollen pleading expression.

"It's definitely gonna be alot of fun" I add, grinning deviously


Roughly halting my ride, a Lexus five seventy vehicle before the the trainees entrance gate, I hastily hop down the vehicle, abandoning it's door wide ajar but who cares,non would dare or attempt theft a royalty.

"Am certain to earn the greatest scolding of a life time from the martial arts master" I thought, heightening my sprinting pace only to feel a tight familiar firm grip pull me towards a corner.

"Get off me!!" I struggle, breaking free the tight grip using a hard punch to the figure's manhood

"Kara. It's just me" Dolan cries, clutching tightly to his hurting manhood.

"Well serves you right. You bitch" I curse, connecting another powerful kick to his hurting manhood, sending him crashing to the ground.

"What was that for?" He questions amidst heavy groans while gradually absorbing the hurtful internal pains.

Kara's training day 1

Kara's training day 2


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