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Fated To The Werewolf Huntress novel Chapter 9

Episode 10

Location: Black eagles Hunter clan

Kara's POV

Dripping extremely wet outta the bathroom,I gloriously and sexily flap my drenched hair, allowing numerous water droplets splatter over nearby objects.

A home bath certainly seems better compared to an external bath and after all,my all battered,torn and dirt filled clothes bestows to me unpleasant feeling's of rouged and wild animals.

Sitting before my make up mirror surrounded using numerous alluring cosmetics,some even unfamiliar and wierd before me,I result working firstly on my facial appearance, applyly my daily routine facial lotion before focusing on general body.

Sliding ajar my wardrobe after mosturizing my skin,I settle for a light brown coloured singlet alongside a black coloured bogus jogger.

"Hmmmm,home sweet home, nothing feels better than home" I mumble, crashing weakly against my soft comfy bed, drowning deeper into it's relaxing and pleasurable texture and nature.

Slightly shutting my eyes,undesired hot sexy clips and images relating Damien gradually surf through my head,his heart warming and melting smile,his over all friendliness and hospitality,his broad shoulders likewise his intense muscular arms,he's currently within my head and it's driving me crazy.

"Get the hell outta my head Damien" I mumble, flinging both eyes open before shutting them, hoping it's does the trick, rather the numerous popping images worsens.

"Get out!!!!!" I scream, smacking my pillow against my face.

Power oning my phone,I surf through the internet, scanning through the latest trendings and appetizing headlines, hoping it diverges my complete soul,body and attention off thoughts relating Damien.

Bored surfing through the internet,I reside reading an online story written by my greatest and favourite author, Elvis Asiwe.

He's stories generally are dope,they appear outstanding and unique, having great plots, outlines, intriguing characters and unexpected twists. Reading his stories frequently soots anxiety and worries, bestowing long lasting peace of mind within me and like earlier mentioned,him likewise his stories are both dope and the best. I thought.

Deeply engrossed reading through his current ongoing intriguing and suspense filled novel,Alex devious sneaking in was taken unnoticed by me, not until loud screening screams evolved her lips, taking me aback in shock.

"What in the damn world was that?" I question, clutching tightly to my heavily breathing chest.

"That was only a tiny little revenge" she chuckles.

"For what you pyscopath?"I ask, unable to overcome the shock associated with her unexpected scream.

"For taking me unnoticed,I snuck in here past ten minutes along but you seem all lost and engrossed surfing through the dumb internet" she explains, rapidly rolling her medium sized eye ball.

"Firstly,the internet ain't dumb,it saves from boredom and prevents both emotional and mental trauma" I explain, rolling my eyes regarding the mental trauma.

"Secondly,I wasn't surfing through the internet,I was only reading a book written by my favorite author so certainly I was lost. Anyways I really am sorry if my inability to observe your presence bestowed you an unloved impression and feeling" I apologise, staring puppy eyes at her hardened and frowning face.

"Whatever,I ain't accepting your apology except am detailed your every experience and adventure regarding your abduction" she states, maintaining her hardened facial expression.

Despite proving all enraged and annoyed,she remains cute looking, similarly to an infant.

"You know,despite you appearing all angered and annoyed, your cute little infant appearance remains unhidden" I chuckle, earning playful screams from her.

"Am definitely killing you today,am certain to have your head for lunch!"She threatens, smacking me using a pillow, making me hop down the bed, running rapidly around my spacious bedroom.

"Hold still to hasten the murder process" she groans, chasing after me with the pillow still clutched within her grasp.

"You don't expect me adhering to that do you?" I chuckle, hastening my running pace before crashing weakly on my bed.

"Gotcha" she grins, sitting against my heavy pounding stomach while raining pillow comfy punches against my face.

"Ouch, that hurts" I continuously feign pain and anguish, earning satisfactory chuckles from her.

"Am exhausted" she inhales, crashing on the bed besides me, feeling both exhausted and drain.

"Am currently exhausted but not dead,now start talking" she orders, staring daringly into my popped out eyes.


Location: Black eagles Hunter clan

Kara's POV

"A quick hasty summary regarding your lengthy narration and explanation."

"Firstly, twin Tyler and Freya attempted killing you due to rage over your brutal victory over their elder brother Dolan who akwardly unveild his ages love but woefully got rejected. Secondly,Freya is dead,murdered by an alpha eye witness Tyler alone claim to see.Thirdly,you were never abducted by an alpha as claimed by Tyler rather rescued by Damien, your hot charming prince in shinny armour,also back at his bed room,he got you horny and abandoned you while you appear developing gradual feelings towards him. And finally,you never disclosed to your dad Tyler and Freyas attempted murder on you right?"she questions, highly arching her brows.

"Yup,all perfectly summarized" I respond, smiling sheeplessly.

"Intriguing narration and adventure Kara,but dosent it seem wierd you were seen by Tyler abducted by an alpha but ended up within a humans bedroom,the bedroom belonging to your prince in shining armor, dosent it seem wierd and akward because I doubt Tyler lying to the king regarding such crucial problem" she explains.

"It sure seems wierd Alex and I feel little glimpse of truth and honesty regarding Tyler's statement and so I've decided uncovering the complete regarding my rescue,am a hundred percent certain something occured during my unciouncious state,so am going after it" I state.

"I've got your back girl, always and forever" Alex adds, tapping slightly my back.


Time: evenling

Location:Black eagles hunters intensive ward

Tyler's POV.

Automatically sliding the door open using the hospitals ID card,I head closer towards Dolan laying conciously on the bed, having numerous bandages wrapped over his fingers and punctured stomach regions.

The neutral drip perfectly linked to his veins continuously emits liquid dropping sounds, earning pain laced sighs from me.

Pulling closer a wooden chair,I slowly sit on it besides his bed, watching him battle and struggle whole heartedly between life and death.

Love 1


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