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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 135

"Why are you smoking?"

The woman complained and then said, "I want to buy some maternity clothes. Can you give me some money?"

Mr. Blue frowned, "I just gave you ten grand not long ago. Have you spent it all already?"

"What can ten grand buy? It's gone after buying a single bag. I'm pregnant with your child, and I'm not even your official lady. What's so hard about spending a little of your money? Are you afraid your wife will check the accounts?"

"At home, I call the shots." Mr. Blue handed a bank card to the woman, reminding her, "Don't splurge; I've already lost a ton of money. It hurts."

"Got it."

She took the bank card, pecked him on the cheek, and sashayed away.


Lucinda woke up less than ten minutes after being dragged out of the car by the kidnappers.

She just felt a lot of pain in the back of her neck.

Lucinda suddenly sat up as she recalled what had happened before she was knocked out.

She felt relieved when she discovered that she was able to move freely and that her phone was still in her pocket.

Although she was unsure of what had happened, at least she was safe for now.

Lucinda looked around as she got up from the ground. She was on a highway with no signs nearby, so she was unsure where the road led.

She turned on her phone, which had been turned off, and promptly made a call to Ike.

She wanted to confirm whether Ike really had a car accident.

When Ike received her call, he assumed it was the kidnapper contacting him through her phone and hastily answered, "How much do you want? I'll give you whatever, but you can't hurt my sister. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I'll find you."


"Lucy, don't be scared; I'm coming to get you. Don't panic, and don't resist. Do whatever they ask you to; don't make them angry. Money is not important. I will raise the money to get you back. Just as long as you're not hurt."

Ike was worried that she might provoke the kidnappers and end up getting hurt.

So he first comforted her, telling her not to panic and not to test the kidnappers' patience.

"I'm okay; you weren't in a car accident, were you?"

Hearing that Lucinda was still concerned about whether he had a car accident in her predicament made Ike feel a lump in his throat. His care for her was not in vain.

"I'm good; no car accident."

Once she confirmed that he had not had a car accident, Lucinda let out a sigh of relief, "I'm now on a highway; I’m not sure where it leads. There's hardly any traffic. I haven't seen a single car since I woke up.

I'm safe; there’s nobody around. Maybe they just left me here and walked away."

Lucinda was unaware that her husband had already mobilized all his contacts and had them looking for her all over the city.

"I'll send you a location; come pick me up. My phone's almost out of battery; once you get the location, just come straight here. I'll wait for you."


Ike didn't ask too many questions. The most important task at that moment was to find his sister.

After hanging up the phone, Lucinda immediately sent him her location.

Then she tried to contact Cecilia Yates, but the moment the call was connected, her phone powered off due to a drained battery.

Cecilia was about to pick up the phone when the line suddenly went dead. She immediately called back, but the other end had already turned off.

"Lucy, you must be safe." Cecilia said as she paced anxiously around the shop.

She felt guilty and useless because she was unable to provide any help when her friend was in trouble.


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