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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 15

The Pinehurst Hotel was owned by the Martinez family and was one of the ritziest hotels in Pinehurst.

Owen said he wanted to welcome Ruby, so naturally, it was held at their family's hotel.

This was his own place where he could move freely and do what he wanted. Ruby had a few drinks, her beautiful face flushed under the light, exuding a mature woman's charm.

From the moment Owen saw her, his eyes were glued to her.

"Ruby, where are you planning to stay?" Owen asked, handing her a full glass of wine, "Why not stay at my place? It's big, with plenty of rooms. You can pick any. My mom adores you, she'd be thrilled if you moved in."

Owen's mother and Ruby's mother used to be friends and were very close privately.

Owen and Ruby knew each other since they were kids, all because their moms were close.

Ruby swirled her wine glass, watching the liquid draw beautiful curves in the glass.

"Owen, thanks for the offer, but I still have a house in Pinehurst. I didn't sell the villa. I would come back occasionally over the years, and most of the time I stayed there, the maid is still looking after it."

Ruby declined Owen's offer.

Her main reason for coming back was to marry Stefan, to become the next matriarch of the Anderson family.

How could she possibly move into the Martinez family?

Owen and Stefan were enemies.

Even if they weren't enemies, how could she move into the Martinez family? Stefan would definitely suspect she was with Owen.

Ruby wouldn't do anything that could potentially harm her reputation.

Owen said, a little annoyed, "Last summer when you came back, you stayed at the Anderson family's vacation villa until you left."

Ruby laughed, "That villa of the Anderson family is open to the public. Lots of people vacation there every year, I'm not the only one. Owen, let's make a toast."

Owen lifted his glass, clinked it with hers, and took a small sip, his eyes never leaving her as she downed her drink.


Ruby put down her glass, reached out, and took Owen's hand, "You and Stefan have known each other since you were kids, you used to be friends, why do you have to fight to the death? It's hard for me, being stuck in the middle."

Owen looked down at her delicate hand.

She took the initiative to hold his hand, which made him happy.

But her words stopped him from being happy.

Owen withdrew his hand and said coldly, "Why don't you go persuade Stefan to stop being my enemy? Ruby, you're obviously biased towards Stefan."

"I... I treat you both the same." Ruby denied favoring Stefan.

Owen looked at Ruby quietly, his voice tinged with bitterness and resentment, "Ruby, in the high society of Pinehurst, who doesn't know about your deep feelings for Stefan? But what about him? Have you forgotten how he treated you ten years ago?"

"Who made you leave your hometown and go abroad ten years ago? Are you still going to continue loving him?"

He suddenly grabbed Ruby's hand, held it tightly, letting her feel his unwillingness and anger.

"Ruby, we've known each other since we were kids, and I'm not inferior to Stefan, but I've never been in your eyes. Haven't you felt my feelings for you all these years? I've been waiting for you, waiting for you to let go of Stefan, willing to come back. Ruby, let go of Stefan, that man may seem kind on the outside, but he's cold-hearted. You can't touch his cold heart, he doesn't know how to love. Have you ever seen a woman by his side over the years? I've never heard of him dating or flirting with other women. He's almost thirty, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend. People in our circle may not be in a hurry to get married, but this is not normal for him, right? I suspect he has some kind of sexual dysfunction!"

Ruby was silent for a moment.


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