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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 155

"Feeling okay?"

Two bodyguards asked Janice first.

Janice didn't answer them; she was busy coddling the doll in her arms.

Lucinda wasn't sure if this woman was her birth mother, but she had seen her twice in her dreams. Seeing her treat the doll like a child really tore at her heart, so she stepped forward and helped her up again.

Janice, being held by Lucinda, looked up at her.

Lucinda looked back.

"Can you check if she's hurt?"

The two bodyguards didn't dare touch Janice, and she wouldn't let them either.

They felt like they recognized the young woman in front of them but couldn't put a finger on where they'd seen her before.

Only when they saw her fancy car did they realize that Janice was out of it. They had been following her and had seen her narrowly escape being hit by a car several times.

That softened their attitudes toward her.


Janice suddenly grabbed Lucinda's hand, holding it tightly, as if letting go meant Lucinda would fly away.

Stefan stayed silent.

Was this woman the one Lucy saw in her dreams?

Was she Lucy's birth mother?

Looking closer, they didn't look alike at all.

"Your hand is bleeding."

Janice was gripping Lucinda's hand so tightly that Lucinda finally noticed her skin was abraded and bleeding.

Lucinda immediately crouched down to check her legs.

Luckily, her legs were fine.

She had just scraped her hands when she fell.


Janice saw the blood and screamed, then fainted.

Thankfully, Lucinda was there to prevent her from hitting the ground.


The two bodyguards were scared out of their wits. One of them said, "Janice is terrified of blood."

"Take her to the hospital."

Lucinda made the decision decisively, and Stefan helped her carry the unconscious Janice into the car.

The two bodyguards didn't have a car, so they hailed a taxi and rushed to the hospital, calling Ethan on the way.

Ethan was still stuck outside the Martinez family's house, waiting for a servant to inform Trenton.

He received a call from the bodyguards, informing him that his mother had left the hotel and almost got hit by a car. Although there was no serious damage, her hand was injured and bleeding, and she had a fear of blood, so she was being taken to the hospital.

Ethan immediately left without meeting Owen and rushed to the hospital in Pinehurst.

By the time Ethan arrived at the hospital, Janice's hand had already been treated. It had been cleaned, disinfected, the bleeding stopped, and bandaged.

She had also woken up from her fainting spell.

As soon as she woke up, she cried for her baby.

Lucinda quickly handed her the doll.

"Baby, baby."

Ignoring the pain in her hands, Janice clung to the doll, pressing her face against the doll's face, calling for her baby over and over again.

Seeing her like this, Lucinda was extremely distressed and wanted to cry.

Before Janice fainted, she had been calling her baby while holding her hand. Lucinda thought Janice had remembered her, but when she woke up, she was calling the doll baby again.

Regardless of whether this woman was her birth mother, just seeing her like this made Lucinda's heart ache as if it were being cut with a knife.

Stefan pulled her into his arms, whispering comfortingly, "Let's wait for her son to come, then we can talk properly. Whether she's your mother or not, you should do a DNA test since you've seen her twice in your dreams."

Lucinda nodded silently.


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