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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 171

"I'll take two boxes of desserts to bring back to my office. Whenever I'm feeling hungry, I can have a taste of your handiwork. If they're good, I’ll be here every day buying from you. That means one more regular customer for you. That's a win-win, right?"

With that, Cecilia turned around to leave.

In no time, she came back with a beautifully arranged plate of mini cakes.

She set the plate in front of Owen and told him: "Finish these little cakes, and I'll pack up two boxes of desserts for you. Otherwise, forget it."

Owen looked up at her, his eyes deep, and said: "You're just scared I'll waste your desserts, right?"

He quickly pulled a wad of cash from his wallet and laid it on the table. "Here's your money. If I can't finish them and have to throw them away, it's my money I'm wasting, not yours. No need to get all sentimental."

Cecilia took his money but insisted: "Eat first."

Seeing her take his money, Owen put away his wallet, commenting: "You gave Ike two boxes of dessert without charging him a cent, yet you take my money so quickly? And I haven't even seen my desserts yet."

Their relationship was so distant, even though they were husband and wife.

It was only fair she charged Ike, too.

Feeling a sense of injustice, Owen even contemplated asking Ike for the money for the two boxes of desserts.

"Do you think you're on the same level as Ike and me?"

Cecilia retorted unabashedly.

"I'm besties with Lucy. I see Ike as my own brother, and he sees me as his sister. What are you in comparison?"

Owen was left speechless and wanted to tell her he was her husband.

But he held back. He had asked her to keep their marriage a secret.

"How did you come here?"

Cecilia asked nonchalantly, not noticing his reaction.

"Just passed by."

Owen replied truthfully.

Originally, he had no plans of coming but changed his mind when he saw Ike enter.


Seeing him not touching the little cakes, she asked: "Why aren't you trying one?"

"Is it sweet?"

Cecilia's look clearly said, "Isn't that obvious?"

After a moment of hesitation, Owen carefully took a bite of a cake. It was sweet but not overly so. He could handle it.

He slowly finished the cake and asked: "Cecilia, get me a glass of water. No, make it two."

Seeing him looking as if he had just ingested poison, Cecilia muttered under her breath but went to get him a glass of water. He gulped it down in one go and asked for another.

The sweetness in his mouth was finally washed away after two glasses of water, and Owen seemed to regain his spirits.

"Has Ruby ever baked a cake for you?"

Cecilia suddenly asked.

He loved her, so anything she cooked was delicious.

He loved Ruby so much that if she baked a cake for him, he would eat every last crumb.

Owen looked a bit crestfallen.

"Has she never made one for you? Or did she only bake for Mr. Coleman?"


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